Janice Bown

Janice Bown, 87, passed away 9/30/21 in her home in University City. She was born in Kansas City Missouri in 1934, to Hugh and Francis (Glenn) Bown, and is survived by her two daughters, two grandsons, and two great grandsons.

Janice was a fun-loving, cheerful woman who loved and inspired those she interacted with. She chose to learn from every experience, and relish every new opportunity as if it were a rare jewel to be treasured. Her laugh was genuine, her joy was infectious, and she tried her hardest to always choose to believe the best in everyone. She loved profoundly and unconditionally.

To those of you at St. Louis University, you will never know how deeply you inspired her. She relished every moment in your presence. She loved the learning, the camaraderie, the environment. You were a beacon of light when it was most needed, and inspired her to become so much more than she ever knew possible. She was continuously grateful for your presence in her life.

To those of you at Monsanto — where to begin! You filled her later years with so much interesting imaginings. She loved all the smart, funny, curious people she worked with. She respected each and every one of you and believed you had so much more potential than you might have thought yourself. Before retiring she enjoyed learning from you and sharing worthwhile experiences that she always considered, bettered her life. You were an amazing part of her life and should know you made a difference.

To those of you in other avenues of her life – you made a difference. You inspired her to become the very best human being she could be….she was amazing…and you should be proud of the mark you left on her life. She never worked, or lived, in any place that she didn’t take away the very best of and apply it in her life. As a child of Janice’s, I profoundly thank you. My mother was an amazing woman who touched many lives and made mine so much richer for all the encounters she had with you.

To her friends — you were SO important to her. You made her enjoy her life. You loved and accepted her for who she was…you took the time to build and sustain a relationship with her. You completed her life. You should always remember that she loved each of you, dearly, and believed her life was so much better and richer for your being in it. You friends made her laugh, cry, think, reflect — you made her complete.

To her daughters — She loved you unconditionally. Not a day went by that she didn’t truly and immensely love being in your company. You grew to be strong, compassionate young women. Every moment of every day, as you grew up, Janice found a way to express how much she loved you and how very proud she was to be your mother.

To John — As my daughter’s husband, you were such a diamond in the rough. She loved every nook and cranny in your character. You reminded her frequently of everything her own mother loved and relished in life; working with your hands, being passionate about doing every job right. She wished you could have met her mother, but was so very honored that she was able to spend the time with you that she did. She loved you dearly.

To her grandsons — Connor and Ian- You have to know that she loved you so very much. She believed in you and believed in the genuinely amazing men you would grow up to be. She expected nothing less than your best and believed you would always be more than what you could ever imagine for yourself. She always wanted you to DREAM BIG.

To Kate — she so respected and loved the woman you were growing into. As the wife of Connor, and the mother of Jax and Crue, she admired your tenacity and the love you always demonstrated to your family. You were “the perfect” fit to this crazy family — just what we all needed. Never forget, any of you, just how loved, by Janice you really were.

Jax and Crue (great grandsons) — she never knew you, but knew about you. She believed you, too, were going to be amazing in anything and everything you did. She enjoyed hearing the stories of your early years. She would truly be proud of you.

Janice Bown was a truly amazing woman. She loved life. She loved the people who crossed her path, choosing to learn from them and grow in her own humanity. She was a beloved mother, grandmother, and great grandmother. She will always be remembered, fondly, and with the reverence she deserves as an inspiration to live life to the fullest.

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