Adam Markle Texeira

Adam was born on Friday the 13th, December 1991, a fact he loved to share with people.  He was long and strong and had such a big head he had problems finding hats that fit for the remainder of his life and of course, according to him, this was due to the size of his brain.

Adam had no fear.  There was no tree too tall, no river too wide, no cliff too high that he wouldn’t climb, cross, or jump. He loved all creatures of the earth and we do mean all. From no legs to too many legs to count, he wanted them all to be his friend.  There was a core of joy in him that, no matter what life threw at him, shone through when he found one of those friends. The four-legged kind were the most precious to him, those that woof being at the top of the list.  He had a special connection with dogs, we believe they could see his pure soul and were drawn to it.

He was generous to a fault and if he had one dollar to his name, he would not hesitate to share that dollar with someone in need much to the chagrin of his mother.  His generosity wasn’t limited to money, he would give any possession and his time.  Adam never knew a stranger and he loved to listen to others talk about their lives and experiences. He was a genuine listener.  He had a curiosity in him that led him down many paths. In another time he would have been one of the first into the wild west, a pirate with a heart of gold, an explorer into uncharted lands making friends with the natives and learning their ways.

Unfortunately, when Adam began his third decade on this planet, that lovely big brain betrayed him.  He was diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder, but this did not define him.  At his core he was empathetic, generous, and kind with a joy in life that never dimmed. He fought a good fight for ten years and would have continued fighting but life had other plans for him.

In death his generosity continued as he gave all of himself to those in need.  He made sure his family would know of his intentions by registering 8 separate times with and on February 10, 2022, at 5:22 p.m., that wish was fulfilled. Adam’s heart, lungs, kidneys and liver all went to save the lives of others and many other people will benefit from additional gifts of his eyes, soft tissue and bone. We are proud of him for making that choice.

Adam will be cremated and as Adam was too big for one site to contain him his cremains will slowly and lovingly be spread around the country to both places he had been and places we know he would have loved to visit.  His aunt and mother have hopes of one day taking him to New Zealand to visit the Shire, as the Tolkien series was his most favorite writings and movies in existence and no fact or anecdote was too small for him to savor, enjoy and share with others.

Adam is survived by his fiancé Amanda Landry; Mother, Karen Markle and stepfather Adel Dali; Father Ethan Texeira; Sister Abbie Texeira-Stroud and her husband Alex stroud; grandparents, Larry and Sybil Markle; Aunts Kim Blevins and Tammy Flippen; Cousins Kayla, Savanah and Heath Blevins, and Cole Flippen; His four legged-friends Pippin, Panda and Athena; and every creature on this earth that was touched in some way by his tenderness, affection and burning desire to love for love’s sake.

We as a family would like to gently remind those who have no experience with mental illness that it is a disease like any other. It is just as devastating and debilitating as cancer and people suffering from these illnesses need your compassion and understanding. Please remember that they are someone’s child, sibling, grandchild and cousin.  The mental health services available in this country are deplorable and changes need to happen.  Please help to remove the stigma from mental illness.

The family would like to thank the wonderful nurses in the MICU at Cox South and Marjorie and Molly with Mid-America Transplant who made this journey with Adam so much smoother and less confusing with their kindness and compassion.

We will have a celebration of Adam’s life in the spring near the Springfield Nature Trails in Springfield, Missouri, one of his favorite places.  In lieu of flowers, if you have the desire or ability to do so, we suggest donations to Care Rescue or Mid-America Transplant.


  1. Ciara on February 15, 2022 at 1:16 pm

    I was only gifted to be your step sister for a short time. My prayers, and condolences always. You will be greatly missed Adam 🙏

  2. Louis on October 19, 2022 at 11:54 am

    One of the kindest “friends” errrr Family I had the pleasure to know. A big brother; RIP

  3. K on January 2, 2023 at 4:58 pm

    I just became aware of Adam’s passing today. Wow. This makes my heart incredibly sad. I am old classmate of Adam’s—a few grades behind him. We first bonded in middle school, by both attending a book club. Adam was the aloof, mysterious eighth grader that I couldn’t quite figure out. His fun personality, kindness to others, and cheerful spiritare him magnetic to everyone around him. In high school, I had some classes with him. Again, he was always a really fun person to be around. He enjoyed making fun of things in life that others would have difficulty seeing the bright side of. Wow. My prayers with his family and friends.

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