Mary Elizabeth Glenn

Born November 5, 1926 to parents Alice & Edward Fields both are now deceased. Brothers William Young (Marie) and Edward Fields Jr. ( Carie Bell) both deceased as well . She married M/Sgt. J N Glenn together they had two 2 sons. Steven E Glenn (deceased )& wife Judith and Ronald W Glenn wife Judy.

She leaves behind 3 grandchildren Elizabeth Glenn, Ronald Glenn Jr. ( Kim) & Stephen Bergeron.
She graduated from Quincy High School. She was an X-Ray technician. A member of the American Registry of Radiologic Technologist. She spent 2 years at Northwestern Medical School under Dr. John Hughes for Electroencephalogy.

She opened labs throughout Fox Valley & Mercy Hospital in Aurora Illinois. Mary was a member of Electronics Beekman Instrument Co, American Society of EEG Technicians, Illinois Society of EEG Technicians, Central Society of EEG Technicians. Mary was on the editorial staff at Mercy Center Aurora Illinois. Mary worked 23 years at Mercy Hospital Aurora Illinois and 15 years at Dreyer Clinic Aurora Illinois. Retired June 1999 and moved to St. Louis Mo.

Her Hobbies were World Traveler, leather craft, sewing & tailoring. The song that describes her perfectly is “My Way”



  1. Princess RN (Florida) on July 6, 2022 at 3:27 pm


    Thank you for CHOOSING me to be “the daughter you never had.” I was honored to fulfill that role. I thank you for exemplifying love and tenderness to me; For ALWAYS being my ride-or-die. You constantly enunciated loving dialogue to me and thought the world of me. My existence has been augmented by knowing you. I retain countless videos, voicemails, letters and cards that you communicated to me. So even when ppl try to obliterate my significance in your life, and they HAVE, I will always have YOUR WORDS to remind me that I MATTER above ANYONE ELSE. You wouldn’t believe…

    You died precisely the way you always wished, without being an impediment to ANYONE. I just wish we were together so I could have taken care of you. Covid prevented that. Many times I wanted to bring your GrandPoms to visit you, but I couldn’t risk jeopardizing you to COVID. I guess things work out according to GOD’s plan. If I had you in Florida with me, I would have never let you die peacefully. I would have exhausted EVERY medical loophole to discover a cure for your mortality, stuck you w needles and everything conceivable not to let you go. GOD realized what was best for you and you departed this earth like YOU desired to, GRACEFULLY.

    While my heart is utterly shattered, I pray that you are wrapped in GOD’s arms. You deserve the love that you bestowed upon me: “Good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured back to you.” Luke 6:38

    I will travel the world and remember everything you taught me. I pray that the remainder of my life’s actions makes you proud. Mary Elizabeth Glenn, MY Dumpling, I HONOR you.

    Princess, the “daughter you never had.”

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