Margaret Sue Rosenthal

Our beautiful, beloved mother, Margaret Sue Rosenthal, sadly passed away on November 11, 2022. Her 93rd birthday was November 9, 2022. Margaret was an amazingly strong, highly intelligent and wonderfully gifted woman who devoted her life to her two daughters. She was predeceased by her husband, Raymond Walter Rosenthal, parents John and Bertha Mitchell, brothers Don and Billy Mitchell, sister Alice Garland, and survived by her daughters, Lynda and Cynthia Rosenthal, older brother Roy Mitchell, younger brother Richard Mitchell, and sister Ann Strain along with numerous nieces and nephews.

Sue was born in Calhoun, Louisiana at the onset of the Great Depression. She pulled herself out of deep poverty through sheer hard work and by consistently making top marks in all her educational efforts. Sue graduated from High School at age 16, and spent her senior year teaching classes at that school. After graduating Magna Cum Laude from Louisiana Tech, she worked as a dietician at Barnes Jewish Hospital and became Head Dietician at Lutheran Hospital in St. Louis, Missouri. Shortly thereafter, she met and married Raymond Rosenthal. In subsequent years, Sue became mother to Lynda and Cynthia. She returned to college, where she earned a Masters Degree in Education from Washington University. St. Louis, Missouri. After graduating Summa Cum Laude, she was hired as Biology teacher with the Ladue School District in St. Louis, Missouri where she worked with distinction for over two decades.

Sue led a full and adventurous life traveling extensively to Hong Kong, Thailand, Australia, Europe, Morocco, the Galapagos Islands, Machu Picchu, Bali, Bermuda, and the Caribbean among other exciting locales. She led book discussions at Oakville Library for over 15 years. Sue was a passionate tennis fan, avid book reader, crossword pro, political aficionado, great story teller, and marvelous cook. Her keen wit, Irish sense of humor, and endless curiosity made her a pure joy to know and an easy person to love. We are eternally grateful for all the care, sacrifice and generosity she has shown us through the years. Her absence will be felt every day for the rest of our lives. This is the great loss of a great woman.

In lieu of flowers, you may make a donation to the National Breast Cancer Foundation.

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