Charles Nagel

On Monday, November 28, 2022, the Nagel family lost their HERO.
Charles was the Rock of our family. His body was discovered by
a caring individual.

Charles began his professional life serving in the Marines during the
Vietnam war. After he returned from duty, he worked for GM as a Quality
Manager for 40 years. Upon retirement in 2009, he worked his “retirement
career” with Plaza Mercedes, as an Inventory Manager/”Guy Friday”. His timeless
devotion, love, positive attitude and care of others will be missed by all.

He is survived by his wife, Suzanne, (Sue) Nagel, son Charles (Chris)Nagel, his sisters
Sheron Maupin, and Charlotte Lenz and his beloved Kitties, Molly and Rylee.

A service will be held at Jefferson Barracks at 10:00AM on Friday, December 9, where his ashes will be laid to rest.
Thank you


  1. James and Therese Burkard on December 6, 2022 at 12:09 pm

    Charlie will be remembered by the Burkards as a man of great and caring love – a great father to Chris and husband and best friend to Sue. A great person – he is very much missed but always fondly remembered.

  2. Glynis Thomas on December 7, 2022 at 12:56 pm

    Charlie will be missed greatly at Plaza Motors. He cared about people and the job. He was a great help to anyone that asked. Charlie and his family have my deepest sympathy.

  3. Michael and Brittany Steinlage on December 7, 2022 at 4:56 pm

    We hold ol’ Chili Dog in our hearts forever.

  4. Ralph J Montileone Jr. on December 8, 2022 at 10:18 pm

    So sorry to hear. Thoughts and prayers to the family during this difficult time. Charlie and I worked together at GM many years ago at the old plant. Such a fun guy. We always had fun talks. I just stopped by the dealership this last summer unexpectedly and I know he was surprised, it had been years, we had a short visit since the Plaza was having a barbecue luncheon. Always a fancy dresser even fifty years ago. May Charlie rest in peace.

  5. Michael and Lynn Camp and Sons’ on December 10, 2022 at 5:52 pm

    Charlie was an ideal GM employee. Always nice, polite and willing to respond to the task at hand.

    I always enjoyed talking with Charlie and hearing about his son and family. He was cordial and considerate with everyone with whom he interacted. He enjoyed his work and the challenges it provided. Charlie was a person who never needed a supervisor. He knew what had to be done and was ahead of the task.
    Many thanks to Charlie for his service and sacrifices as a Marine during the Vietnam Era! I once made the mistake of introducing someone as a “Former Marine” and was quickly and appropriately corrected by this aging person who informed me that “once a Marine always a Marine!” Charlie indeed lived his Marine Corp Training and Values everyday of his professional life.

    May Charlie rest in eternal peace after finishing his work here in earth in excellent fashion typical of his approach to life.

    Our condolences are offered to his Wife, Son and other family members as well as his multitude of Friends.

    Charlie will be greatly missed.

    Mike and Lynn Camp and Sons’

  6. Allye Williams on December 25, 2022 at 4:38 pm

    Charlie was an incredible man with a huge heart and a kind soul. I was blessed to be able to work with him for a few years at Plaza. He always had everyone’s back without a doubt. My condolences to the family.

  7. Ronald & Susan Viecelli on February 28, 2023 at 3:26 pm

    Our sincere condolences to Susan and son. We have lost a great friend. I was blessed with having spent many years enjoying Charlie’s friendship, at work and on the golf links. He and I shared many fine moments discussing cars, golf and travels. We will remember him in our prayers, and for the friendship we shared.

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