Carol Zagarri

After twelve years of a brave fight anchored by unyielding faith in the Lord and love for her family, Carol Zagarri lost her battle with cancer on May 11, 2023. During her final years, Carol prioritized her love for God, Charlie, her soulmate of 44 years, and her family. She built strong relationships with her neighbors and helped anyone she could. 

Her passing was beautiful and peaceful, and she was surrounded by an abundance of love. Those who cared for Carol extended far beyond her immediate family, which was made apparent when the mailman and trash man came by to say their goodbyes. With tears streaming down their cheeks, they spoke of the love they had for her. 

While May 11 was a hard day for Carol’s loved ones, her passing was made easier to accept due to all of the spiritual signs and wonders surrounding her and her family. Carol’s best friends Jim and Sharon Pemberton—who also happen to be her cousins—were at her side, as was the apple-of-her-eye and her personal warrior of God, Brian Lester. Somehow, perfect timing allowed him to make it in between road trips just in time to sing to her and pray over her as she made her journey to Heaven. 

Carol was enveloped by her two daughters and her husband; thus, surrounded by those who loved her. 

Throughout her twelve-year battle, Carol prayed for the chance to experience new milestones before her time came. She and her family were grateful she was able to see her grandchildren—Roger, Ryan, and Christie—get married to the loves of their life; and see her granddaughter, Paige, get engaged. Carol was also blessed to see her eldest daughter Debbie get married and was able to experience the special love between a great-grandmother and great-granddaughter, Vera Grace. Despite Covid, Carol’s relationships flourished with the help of regular Facetime calls with her family—though, much of the time the camera was pointed at her forehead. It became an inside joke between her and those fortunate enough to get those calls. 

Today we are left with memories and the strong sense that she is in Heaven doing the same job she did here on Earth: watching over all of us and singing with the angels.


Well…there’s a celebration in Heaven, just you wait
Love, health and peace – at the Pearly Gate
Angel wings reaching out with a gentle touch
Feeling no pain and with everyone that loves her so much
Fighting this disease and being with her devoted husband, was her daily goal

Now, in Heaven, she will have a new role
But she is not gone, only in a new place
And, I know for sure, that one day we will see her little face.


Wife of Charles Zagarri
Mother of Debra Schmeider (husband Frank), Denise
(DeDe) Sielfleisch (husband Chris)
Grandmother of Roger Lengyel (wife Megan), Ryan
Sielfleisch (wife Sarah), Paige Sielfleisch, Christie
Schrader (husband Edward) and in heaven with Carol
is her beloved Grandson; Michael Gutridge
Great grandmother of Vera Sielfleisch

No Services at this time. Please send any contributions to the
American Cancer Society or the Lester Family


  1. Denise Sielfleisch on May 22, 2023 at 9:46 am

    You are missed every day. I will see you on the other side one day. Glad you are out of pain.

  2. Chance Michels on May 22, 2023 at 10:08 am

    Sending all my love and prayers to Charlie
    Dede and Debbie and their families along with Carols beloved cousins. I was blessed
    beyond measure to have Carol in my life. She is missed and always will be. The pain is over and in peace she lives on with God and the long list of loved ones waiting to see her again. I love you Auntie Carol, till we meet again.
    Chance Christian

  3. Charlie on May 22, 2023 at 10:48 am

    You are my girl and in my heart and I know we will be together always and again love you thank you God for her

  4. Jimmy Michels on May 22, 2023 at 1:34 pm

    Keeping the whole family in my thoughts and prayers she will be missed by all who new and loved her.

  5. Peggy Remis on May 23, 2023 at 9:49 am

    My heart goes out to Charlie and all her family for the loss of such a wonderful woman. I will always miss her and how she cared for everyone she knew.

  6. Judy Rutledge Walsh on May 23, 2023 at 1:02 pm

    I have known Carol since 1973; she was my work boss and my friend. My love for her goes beyond what words can express. I too know we will be together in the afterlife with Gods’ blessings.

  7. Debi little LPN on May 24, 2023 at 7:13 am

    Charlie I am so sorry for your loss I loved Carol and you so much I loved our visits so much I was able to keep up with her with Facebook My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family

  8. Debi little LPN on May 24, 2023 at 7:18 am

    Charlie I am so sorry for your loss I loved Carol and you so much I loved our visits so much I was able to keep up with her with Facebook My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family I loved seeing about all of the kids and grandkids and great grandchildren

  9. Kay Merlo Grein on May 25, 2023 at 10:25 am

    Charles, so sorry for your loss. Prayers for you and your family. 🙏🙏

  10. Joy and Allen on May 26, 2023 at 8:01 pm

    Charlie we know Carol was the love of your life. It was shown to us every day we saw you both which was almost everyday living across the street from you. Your love for each other was a blessing. We miss her so much too. She was an amazing friend and neighbor. You have our deepest sympathy and support. We know we will see her again someday. Your sister and brother in Christ Joy and Allen.

  11. Barbara Ramsey on May 27, 2023 at 4:05 pm

    Carol Sue, You will be missed by me and so many others!!
    I thank God that you’re with Jesus.
    I have many fond memories of you.
    God’s peace be with Charlie and your family.

  12. Shrena on June 5, 2023 at 10:09 am

    Charlie, I pray for you every day, may god comfort you and your family doing this time. Carol was a genuinely kind and loving woman, I will miss her.

  13. Lorie Langstrum on July 25, 2023 at 4:08 pm

    Carol was my boss. I was a single mother. I had cancer. My position was changed to hourly although I was straight commission so I would not be paid for the two hours needed for chemo. Life was hard and I nearly died. Soon I was gone from the needed job. I understand and hope you all heal. Be kind

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