John Joseph Forti, Jr.

John Joseph Forti, Jr (b. August 24, 1941) died peacefully on December 21, 2023 after a long illness. He was much loved and will be missed by his survivors which include his husband John Sweet, his son John J. Forti III, his daughter Jill Forti McLoughlin with children Katherine and Daniel, his brother Henry (Karen) Forti, many in-laws and cousins, and his sole surviving aunt, Grace Forti.

John was an honorably discharged veteran, having served in the U.S.Army Reserves during the Vietnam conflict. He was an active participant in local geniological societies and knew many interesting details about his ancestors. His biggest interest was cooking, and he made many elaborate and delicious meals.

John has a wonderful ability to express interest, kindness and warmth towards the many different people he met. People felt better knowing him, and all will sadly miss him.

Since John Forti loved The Hill neighborhood and eating at its fine restaurants, we are hosting a Memorial Gathering/Luncheon on Saturday, January 27th, from Noon to 4PM at Favazza’s On The Hill, 5201 Southwest Ave. in their Pavillion. A buffet lunch will be provided. All are welcome.

In lieu of flowers donations in his memory could be made to the Missouri Historical Society or to BandTogether.


  1. Jim Paunovich on December 30, 2023 at 12:12 pm

    John and I were roommates at St Benedict’s College in 1966. I can attest to his cooking skills, but more than that, he was a warm and caring person.

  2. Lee Cox and Ven Movva on December 30, 2023 at 6:08 pm

    Shall miss his beautiful smile and positive attitude. He was never too important to be nice to people.

  3. Lois Call (nee Wild) on December 30, 2023 at 8:02 pm

    John lived across the alley from us when we were growing up. His sister Rosemary was a good friend of my sister Linda.
    A few months ago I looked up John’s address on the web site and was planning on contacting him after the first of the year. I know now I should have acted sooner. The last time I saw John was at one of my sister’s wake in 1997. It was so kind of him to come to O’Fallon MO
    for this. Linda and I and our Mom were so pleased by his thoughtfulness. Linda and I were at his sister’s wake, but he was not there at the time we were.
    He was just a wonderful and caring individual and Linda and I are both glad we got to know him so many years ago.

  4. Dirk Van Nieuwenhuyse on December 31, 2023 at 2:49 am

    I was fortunate to meet John and John at several occasions while visiting St. Louis for work. I was welcomed in their home. John was interested in good conversation and I enjoyed the visits very much. I am glad having met this interesting and intelligent man.

  5. Michael Thau on December 31, 2023 at 12:27 pm

    John was one of the nicest people I have ever met. I will miss his up-lifting personality and great sense of humor.

  6. Bob Brinkman on December 31, 2023 at 1:13 pm

    John was a pleasure to be around, and he and his husband John have been major contributors to the Prime Timers St. Louis social group. He will be sorely missed.

  7. Debra Knox Deiermann (Barbara Gilchrist) on January 2, 2024 at 1:43 pm

    Our heartfelt condolences to John’s family. His easy smile and positive attitude will be missed. I met John many years ago when he gave an interesting and informative genealogy presentation at an organization I belonged to and discovered we were distantly related. As is typical in St. Louis, we found further connections to others we know and love.

  8. Nan Sweet on January 4, 2024 at 2:23 pm

    When John Forti and John Sweet began celebrating holidays with us in the mid 1990s—with John S’s and my kids Jen & bobEE, with Betsy; members of the Forti family young and old (hello Grace, Annemarie, and David); and me and Martha Ficklen—the family circle felt complete 😊. We learned about St. Lucy’s Day and the Sicilian Vespers—were warmed by John’s good cooking—and charmed each holiday by his revolving fantasias in Jello, product of the Forti family’s home base in Leroy, NY. With his Aunt Grace and her family and JF’s son John (and Mandy the spaniel!) we learned more about JF’s life and childhood. With info. on his German background as well, including priests as at St. Mary of Victories (a deep downtown shrine for immigrants) and dairymen (once grazing cows in Forest Park), we “got” his St. Louis roots. It was a nice coincidence that John became a friend of my own brother John (!) through computer genealogy. The John Fortis father and son were our family’s computer guides.
    These stories are incomplete without mention of the culinary gadgetry on hand at Pershing Place (but what happened to that espresso maker?!) and as gifts…many thanks. With his smile over all this and partnership with John Sweet, John Forti made us a complete family. Not to forget the community members who often piped up that they knew and liked him, from communities around BandTogether, Charis, & the Gateway Men’s Chorus (and of course Prime Timers) to mainstays of the busy Euclid corridor. With his ear to the ground, he was a guide to the neighborhood and beyond, starting with “the Hill.” Pains and threats to health have been so unwelcome for this good person. His passing this December is hard to accept.
    — Nan Sweet

  9. Melani Ruiz-Pyland on January 18, 2024 at 10:07 am

    I first met John in 1982 or thereabouts. I often bumped into him at Henry‘s house or their family gatherings. He was interesting, warm and welcoming. I remember John’s faith in the Almighty, and dedication to our church. Watch over us, hug Karen for me & save a place at the table. RIP John…. Xoxo

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