Michael Bohn

 In loving memory of Michael Patrick Bohn, 10/29/1982-7/2/2011

Suddenly, he was taken from us much too soon.

Mike is survived by his mother, Jeannie Greiner, his daughter, Gioanna, step-father, Richard A. Bates, Great Aunt Mary E. Gibson, and by his only sister Katie and only nephew Dzadin.

He will always be greatly missed and loved. He will live on through his daughter and forever in our hearts and will be forever mourned. May his soul Rest In Peace.

We love and miss you so much, Mike.

Mom, please take care of my baby for me.


A Poem to Michael From Mom:

I am so very sad and blue

For when you died, I died, too.

Losing you is hell on earth

Because to you, I gave birth.

Grief and pain fill my heart

But I will be forever grateful that you were mine

Even though it was only for a very short time

Your life was cut too short

And it left me with this broken heart

My sorrow, pain and heartache are so deep;

But my heart is always yours to keep

My broken heart will never mend

Until we are reunited in the end

I cannot put into words to say

How much I love, miss you and cry for you every single day

Whenever you felt down and had no other

You always knew you had your mother

I will always remember all the good, fun and happy times we had

And whenever we were sad, we always laughed and made each other glad

So always remember, my only son;

I have always loved you more than anyone

When I see the bright stars at night, 

I whisper to you, "Shine on forever, my Mike."

Rest In Peace in Heaven, my sweet, loving, caring and kind son

For all your pain on earth is done.

I will never say "good bye" to you, 

Only " ’til we meet again."

Love Always and Forever, 



A Special Message to Mike from Mom:

Oh how I miss your sweet face, beautiful smile and those big blue eyes.

My dear, loving, caring, heart of gold, kind only child…

My son "Sweet Child Of Mine".

The day you died, a very large part of me died with you. I will never be the same without you. The person I was before I lost you no longer exists. I will never recover from your loss, nor can words describe my love for you, or my agony, pain, grief, broken heart, sadness, emptyness, loneliness I feel without you. 

The only part of me that still exists and must go on is for your only child, your daughter and my only grandchild, Gioanna. I know this is what you want me to do. I have one-half of you that will always live on through her. When I look at Gioanna, I see you. It is a struggle, everyday, without you. I miss your daily phone calls telling me, "I love you mom" and my reply, "Love you too, baby."

Your ashes are with me where they belong and will always remain. I know this makes you happy and what you would have wanted.

Mike, thank you for loving me and caring so much about me. Thank you for just being my son. You were always so protective of me, too, ever since you were a child. We always had a special bond.

You are my first thought when I wake up and my last thought before I sleep.

I will always remember all the good times we had, watching all of our favorite movies together and listening to our favorite music together, all the places we went, things we did, all the many laughs and good times we shared. These memories will forever remain in my heart and I’ll smile and be so thankful each time I think how blessed I am, having all those great times with you. 

Happy Birthday Baby! Have a big birthday party in heaven with Grandma Lois, Michelle, Kristen and have your double chocolate cake and double cheese pizza.

I am going to release a "Happy Birthday" balloon with a message written on it at 7:12am, Saturday, October 29-the exact time you were born, so you make sure to catch and read it, my baby. Also on your birthday, Gioanna, Rick, Christina, Shayne and I are going to write messages on balloons later in the day and release them all at the same time to you in heaven. 

You will always and forever be my heart and soul.

I love and miss you very much, Michael.

Happy Birthday!

"Until we meet again" 

Love Always, 



What if the brilliant, twinkling stars

that bring the dark night sky to life

are windows looking out of Heaven?

And at the very moment

When we’re wishing on those stars, 

hoping that the loved ones

we have lost are happy, safe and free…

Maybe they are looking at those same stars

from the other side

making the same wish for us…

Sending us all their love.

From: Maureen Taylor, my very close friend


Perhaps they are not stars, 

but openings in the Heaven

where the love of our lost ones

pours through and shines upon us

to let us know they are happy

They are with us forever

-Author Unknown


If tears could build a stairway,

And memories a lane,

I’d walk right up to Heaven

and bring you home again.


A very special "Thank you" to Christina, Christina’s family, and Shayne for the very nice memorial they gave for Mike and the balloon release we did together with messages written on them. As I watched all of our balloons disappear into the sky, I imagined Mike catching and reading all of them and smiling down on us, knowing how much he is truly missed and loved. Rest In Peace, my Baby!

A very special thank you to Aunt Mary. Without her help, Mike’s cremation would have been a lot more difficult. Thanks for everything you’ve done for Mike and I. 




  1. de c on December 3, 2011 at 6:12 pm

    love and miss you

  2. Gioanna bohn on December 15, 2020 at 11:10 pm

    think about you often dad, love an miss you always until we meet again.

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