St. Louis Cremation

Brian Franklin Young

Brian Franklin Young, loving father, husband, son, brother and friend, died Saturday, May 4, 2019. He was 37 years old.

He was born July 30, 1981.

He married Kristen Tuomey Feb. 3, 2019.

Brian will be remembered for his intellect and wit, his generous spirit, his loving heart, his fine taste in food and drink, and his rebellious streak. A deep thinker who pursued knowledge with constant curiosity, he was always ready for a hearty debate. An avid reader, he especially loved literature, and family and friends looked forward to the books he gifted on birthdays or Christmas.

He was often found at the art or history museum or in the park or zoo with his son, Dominic, and wife, Kristen. He enjoyed dining out with and cooking for the people he loved. He was a Cardinals fan who spent happy afternoons and evenings at Busch Stadium.

He served his community as a sponsor and friend in sobriety to people in recovery and received their love and support in return. He volunteered with various social justice organizations and was keenly aware of the racism that afflicts society. He knew discrimination and prejudice on a personal level, but never let it stand in his way. He walked in the world knowing he belonged here.

He was a light in the lives of those who loved him. His sense of humor lifted the spirits of everyone around him. He shared his knowledge and wisdom, and in some way educated everyone he came in contact with during his short life.

After graduating from Clayton High School in 1999, Brian attended Florida A&M University, served in the U.S. Coast Guard, and received a bachelor’s degree from the University of Missouri-St. Louis in 2007. He waited tables in many St. Louis restaurants over the years, and always delivered memorable experiences sharing food and drink. He later became a software developer, and enjoyed the the puzzle of writing (and rewriting) elegant code.

He is survived by his wife, Kristen Tuomey; son, Dominic Young; mother, Dianne Lee; stepfather, Bill Quick; mother- and father-in-law, Melinda and Steve Tuomey; brother, Jason (Kelly) Young; sister, Alison Quick (Nathan Speagle); sister-in-law, Stephanie Tuomey; nieces, Natalie and Charlotte Young; nephew, Logan Young; grandfather, Walter Lee (Lois Utley); grandmother, Margaret Young; uncles, Ken (Lillian) Lee, Harold Young, Edgar (LoriBeth) Young; aunts, Karen Lee (Pamela Yelton), Gina Lee (Dave Rodenberg), Margaret (Peter) Hurst, Laurie (Marlon) Fields; cousins, Amanda Peistrup (Adam Raul), Kristina (Kyle) Mitchell, Kenny Lee, Alec and Olivia Sheir, Pearl Young and Sharalyn Fields; and many special friends.

He was preceded in death by his father, Harvey Young; grandfather, Harold Young; grandmother, Santa Lee; and uncle, Andrew Sheir.

In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to aid in the education and support of Dominic Young at

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