Allen Michael Coggins
Allen Michael Coggins
January 8th, 1997 – August 30th, 2019
On Friday, August 30th Allen Michael Coggins, loving father of Ever, son of Allen and Jennifer Coggins, fiancé of Rebecca Bufka, sister of Taylor Coggins, passed away at the age of 22.
Allen Michael was born on January 8, 1997 to Allen and Jennifer (Hamilton) Coggins. He received his degree in Culinary Arts from East Central College in 2016.
In September 2015, he met and fell in love with Rebecca Bufka. In September of 2018 they welcomed their precious baby girl, Ever Reine Coggins, into the world. Allen Michael was an amazing father who relished every minute with his daughter spending time snuggling, laughing, and teaching her new things.
Allen Michael had a very special bond with his family. He delighted in the love and support he received from them, especially his parents, sister, Grandma and Grandpa Hamilton, Aunt Heather (Dave), Uncle Roger, Aunt Jackie (Shawn), cousins Allison, Eli and Savannah, as well as his animal family members.
He was known for his infectious smile, quick wit, and his kind spirit. Allen Michael never knew a stranger and made friends everywhere he went. Allen Michael had a passion for food, gaming, and turning friends into family.
In 2016 Allen Michael was raised to the degree of Master Mason at Easter Lodge #575 in St. Clair, MO. This same year he became a Shriner at Moolah Shrine in St. Louis, MO.
Allen Michael is survived by his Fiancée Rebecca, his daughter Ever, his parents Allen and Jennifer and sister Taylor (Noah Brandt). He is also survived by his Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, and Cousins – also known as his fan club.
A celebration of Allen Michael’s life will be held at the Missouri Athletic Club located at 405 Washington Avenue, St. Louis, MO 63102 on the first floor Art Gallery on Thursday September 5th, 2019 at 6:00 PM. The family is requesting that in lieu of flowers that donations be made to the “Ever Reine Coggins Support Fund” in care of United Bank of Union 15 East Main Street, Union, Missouri 63084.
Jennifer, when you work with someone you get to hear about their kids day-to-day, and you feel like they are a part of your family too.
I was so sorry to hear of little Allen’s death. He made you smile with such joy and pride. I can’t imagine your feeling of loss. God bless your beautiful family. Praying for you all.
You were my first unconditional love from the moment I found out you were coming. Then when I held you and I could have exploded the love was so strong. Everyone who crossed my path knew about you and saw your pictures, they lined my locker in school and I remember bragging to everyone!
You made me an Aunt and you were always my buddy. When you made a mess you said it’s ok Jackie clean it because I was always right there, I didn’t want to miss a moment!
As a teenager, your mom would call me as soon as the sun came up most teenagers would be furious but I excitedly would be up and ready to do whatever was on the agenda that day as long as got to spend time with you! You were the happiest baby and toddler always dancing or begging me to take you down to uncle Rogers room to see Doo Doo, that was a Darth Vader bank that played music and he loved it! We watched Adam Sandler movies together until your mom pointed out that Little Nicky was probably not the most appropriate movie for a four year old, you still loved it!
I loved getting to see you grow but never once did you get too cool to give hugs or even when your crazy Aunt made you lay in my arms and say my baby boy, even though you were 17 years old, you would just smile and laugh. That beautiful smile would light up a room and your sweetness could warm any soul. We would all laugh until I couldn’t breathe just squeal. We had a lot of amazing time together and I will cherish this forever!
When I was pregnant with Savannah people would say wait until you feel the love for that baby, but the truth is that I felt that incredible love every time god blessed me first with my nephew and then my nieces, I love them as my own.
The night Ever was born I was so proud of you and Becca. You walked over to show her to us and I couldn’t hold back, seeing your baby holding their baby is beyond words! Every time I see Ever I see our little baby Allen she is so happy and smiling so big!
I’m incredibly proud of you and all your accomplishments. I’m one of the luckiest people to be your Aunt! I love you.
I love you Jennifer and Allen! Thank you for giving all of us an amazing gift!
I can’t even explain how sad it is that your gone.
So young, handsome and funny! You was robbed of your future with your girl and Ever. Your family is crushed but they are strong. You might not of seen much of me. But I love you and always will!
Do not stand at my grave and weep,
I am not there… I do not sleep.
I am the thousand winds that blow…
I am the diamond glints on snow…
I am the sunlight on ripened grain…
I am the gentle autumn rain.
When you waken in the morning’s hush,
I am the swift uplifting rush
Of gentle birds in circling flight…
I am the soft star that shines at night.
Do not stand at my grave and cry—
I am not there… I did not die.
I was blessed enough to cross paths with the Coggins family years ago. I created a strong friendship with Allen. We often considered ourselves family rather than friends. I was blessed to not only have my immediate family around but to have Allen around was even greater! The memories we shared are ones I have cherished. He had an infectious heart!❤️
The first memory I have of you Allen Michael is when you were a toddler running around Aunt Linda’s house in just a diaper. Always smiling and laughing. I can remember Jackie and I swimming and she said she couldn’t wait to be “crazy aunt Jackie” from Roseanne. I have always admired the love that your family shares for each other.
They say love is blind and to a point I believe that. We can’t see it but we can feel it and know it’s there. It’s like the wind blowing against our face.
I hope when your family goes outside they are surrounded by butterflies because I believe they are a sign from our loved ones in heaven.
You may be gone but you are never forgotten Allen Michael. You will forever be our Guardian Angel and will always be remembered in our hearts. Your life will live on through your loved ones and especially Ever.
May you rest In Peace until we meet again.
You where an amazing freind and I miss you so much. You have been on my mind every day since you passed away. I still here you telling my to do a burn out everytime I drive or I imagine you nudging me and telling me “I think he wants to race!” Everytime I see a cop. You always said both to me when we went places together. I remember the long nights of xbox and edm/heavy metal and it makes me want to go to your parents house to play xbox again. You were always my go to freind to talk to, and you where always down for spontaneous trips or adventures. Sometimes it was to the junkyard other times only walmart, but we didnt have a care in the world because we where just enjoying wonderful friendship. You were an amazing friend and I miss you so much I dont know what to do with myself. I love you so much brother and I cant wait to see you again.
Allen Michael, you are so special and precious to me. You made me an aunt and taught me about unconditional love. I will never forget the day you came into this world and changed my perspective on life. You were the first in your generation of our family and your arrival changed your parents, Jackie, Roger, and me from the kids of the family to people who had a beautiful boy to protect and love. Make no mistake, you are Jennifer and Allen’s son but you are our baby too. You were so happy and good natured and that continued throughout your whole life. I have always been so proud of you, I think I showed your pictures to everyone who crossed my path when you were little. You made my heart smile every single time I looked at you. I am blessed to have had so many wonderful times with you. I love and miss you buddy, and I am grateful that I got to be your Aunt HeatherDave.
I really tried to stop calling you “Little Allen” but you were so chill about it that I didn’t.
I met you and you taught me so much about what everyone else keeps saying about unconditional love. I didn’t understand that but your presence in this world taught me what love is. It isn’t a feeling. It just is.
Before I even dreamed of becoming a parent you taught me that one of the best jobs a guy can have in life is being an uncle. I admit that I had to learn a lot (I am really really sorry about tripping over your train set!) But you never held my inexperience at kids against me. You were my buddy. And I really mean that. When you were five years old, you might have been my nephew, you were also my friend.
But when it came time to be an uncle to your sister, and a father, it really all started with you.
You were such a great big brother, and cousin that when I found out you would be a father, I couldn’t have thought of a better person to have that title.
There will not be a moment that goes by that I don’t feel the loss, but also the feeling of gratitude and fulfillment for every moment of your presence in my life.
I love you buddy!
Love uncle HeatherDave
My heart goes out to all of you. I can’t imagine the impact of such a loss. However I know your faith is very strong and you know where he is. You have been blessed with his precious daughter Ever. I will continue to keep all of you in my prayers. God bless.
My heart breaks for my cousins and their family. I remember a beautiful, smiling, sweet boy. I’m so glad we have Ever to see that smile live on. What a wonderful legacy he leaves.
Dear Allen This is very difficult for the entire family, we are all very sad by our loss. Mostly we are deeply saddened for your parents and grandparents, because we are unable to imagine you not being physically part of their lives. Of course, our hearts break for Becca and your beautiful Ever, your lives were just beginning. We are all fortunate to have had you in our presence for such a short time. An old Irish proverb: Death leaves a heartache no one can heal; Love leaves a memory no one can steal. We love your smile.
Dear Allen Michael, My love for you changed my whole life You made me a grandma and gave me a love that still grows every day. I am so proud of the boy and man you became. Everyone’s best friend and honorable role model and always so good to hug Thank you for Ever Reine Coggins our newest love I know you will be watching over her as diligent as you did in life. I can’t wait to see you laugh and dance and sing again. Until then I hold your hugs and memory in my heart with love.