Lenore Cormak
Lenore Cormak, 92, dear daughter of the late Anthony and Emma Zanetic, beloved wife of the late Robert Cormak, loving mother to David Cormak (Twyla) and proud grandmother to Katelyn and Regan Cormak passed away September 20, 2019.
Born in Cleveland, Ohio in 1926, she moved to Missouri in 1967 where she worked at St. Luke’s Hospital, retiring in 1992. She was an avid flower gardener and cherished dancing, both ballroom and tap. She learned to tap when she was 7 and took her last lesson when she was in her 70’s. To her, everyone should learn to “shuffle off to buffalo”!!
She dearly loved her family and friends, in both Ohio and Missouri, and would like them to celebrate her life by remembering the good time gatherings she enjoyed so much with them.
Private services and burial will be at the family plot in Independence, Ohio where she will join her late parents and husband. In lieu of flowers, contributions may be made to St. Luke’s Hospice through St. Luke’s Hospital, Office of Development, 232 South Woods Mill Road, Chesterfield, MO 63017 (314) 576-2345. https://www.stlukes-stl.com/development/faith-fund.html
The picture doesn’t represent the beauty of this woman. Her eyes still twinkled (just like her toes). Her infectious laugh and dear heart will be missed by all of us who knew her at St. Luke’s Hospital. She was an incredibly astute friend, organizer and teacher with a very generous soul but not without maintaining decorum. When her gift of gab was stolen by her CVA she still soldiered on and gave of herself.
Lenore, you made a great imprint on so many lives. The image of you boarding the school bus with your charges to volunteer at the local elementary school still brings a chuckle and smile to my heart and to my face. Should I mention you were only in your eighties?
Enjoy eternity with Bob in Heaven. Thanks for everything, dear friend!