Michael Cristiani

Michael Francis Cristiani was born on September 16, 1946 in Boston and grew up in Floyd Knobs, Indiana on a horse farm. His close-knit family cherished their Italian heritage and had a life-long love for homemade Italian cooking. Michael entered seminary in 9th grade because, he said, he loved learning. He studied divinity and continued down a path towards priesthood through his early twenties. From his studies, he learned Franciscan values by which he lived the rest of his life: a revere for the dignity of all humans and nature; respect for the poor and vulnerable; a commitment to foster peace and justice; being an agent of change in the larger community and living ethically.

The values he held led him to apply for and be granted conscientious objector status during the Vietnam war. He left seminary, marched in Washington, played folk songs on the guitar and continued pursuing his love for learning at Indiana University, where he earned a doctorate degree in counseling psychology.

In graduate school, he met and fell in love with Therese, who became his life-long partner and best friends for 46 years. They moved to St. Louis where he began his successful professional career. Above all, Michael was a leader and a mentor who saw the best in each person and did what he could to allow the individuals he touched and the organizations that he worked with shine. Michael’s achievements ranged from team and talent development, executive coaching, mentoring high potential leaders, succession planning and facilitating cross functional collaboration. Most recently, he worked at Washington University School of Medicine.

Michael and Therese had two children, Katharine and Jeffery. He loved spending time with his family. From fun adventures boating at the Lake of the Ozarks to quiet time watching the sunset over the ocean, Michael cherished his family and a connection with nature. In 2015, he fell in love with his granddaughter, Sonya, at the same time he was diagnosed with cancer. He fought for his life over the next four years.

Throughout his adult life, Michael organized for causes that he believed would make the world a better place. From small acts of justice like facilitating anti-racism trainings and collecting petition signatures for numerous campaigns to a huge commitment to Empowering Young Women, he lived his core values. Therese and Michael created Project Princess, a program committed to the education of orphan girls in Uganda. For years, they invested in building genuine relationships with partners in Uganda to empower girls globally.

He is survived by his wife, Therese Cristiani; children Katharine and Jeffrey Cristiani; Katharine’s husband Mark; his granddaughter Sonya; brother Dan Crisitiani and his wife Anne.

Michael, our hearts are heavy and you will be sorely missed. Thank you for all the joy you brought to so many people.

*In lieu of flowers, our family requests donations in Michael’s honor to the Children’s Defense Fund’ Freedom School run by Michael and Therese’s church. Checks can be made out to Peace United Church of Christ.

Peace United Church of Christ

204 E. Lockwood Ave.

Webster, MO 63119


  1. Tom Dapron on December 9, 2019 at 6:04 pm

    Was Michael with McDonnell Douglas for a while? If so, I had home and loved him many years ago and is one of the few trainers there Is never forget.

    I believe it was a consulting course.
    I was so impressed by him that I wanted a similar career, can’t say I ever fully achieved it.


  2. Faith Robin Michaels (SHAFFER) on June 8, 2021 at 9:42 pm

    Theresa, I’m so very sorry for your loss of your husband, Michael. You & Michael worked helping others who are less fortunate. The kindness & compassion each of you gave to others, especially to your church, shows the Love of God you both carried in your hearts. Wish I could have been there for you “dearest friend”. I still think of you often & miss you tremendously. It’s been 20 + years, since we last saw one another at our 30th reunion. I will keep you & your beautiful children in my thoughts & prayers. One day you will unite again with your best friend & husband. I feel Michael is at peace with Jesus & will welcome you with open arms. God bless you ole friend. I LOVE YOU “Stridde”, always & forever❤️????????✝️????‍♀️????

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