Ruthven Maddox

Ruthven “Riv” Maddox, 93, of Hillsboro died Jan. 20, 2020. Mr. Maddox was the grandson of the man who invented the Maddox Rod, a tool used in ophthalmology. He was a medical product export sales manager for Sherwood Medical Industries of St. Louis and an avid world traveler, having lived in Australia, West Africa and India as well as England, where he was born. He grew up in Chester and graduated from King’s Bruton boarding school. He was drafted into the British Army in 1944 and served during World War II and a few subsequent years as an army map maker. He met his late wife on the RMS Queen Mary, and they lived in Australia for years before moving to Missouri after the birth of their sons. He has lived in Jefferson County for the past 29 years. His work at Sherwood brought him repeatedly to every country in Latin America, fueling his love for Latin American culture

He was preceded in death by his wife of 50 years: Jane (Gafney) Maddox.​

He is survived by two sons: Kevin and Sean; two grandsons: Nicolas and Lucas; a sister: Thelma Maddox Whyte of England; and numerous other family members and friends.​

A memorial will take place at 2 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 9, at the Lake Wauwanoka. Community Center. ​


  1. Neil Philip on April 9, 2020 at 7:45 pm

    I first met my friend Riv Maddox in 1977 in Curitiba, Brazil. We quickly became friends and later in 1981, it was he and his wife Jane who invited me to their home in St. Louis.
    So in fact, at the time of his passing, we had been friends for 43 years, which in itself is quite an achievement.
    In several ways Riv was an outstanding man. He was for example, a natural diplomat. I recall when he was able to resolve a conflict between two third parties simply by being calm, collected and by dialogue with both parties.
    In later years his single desire was to have a nice home at Lake Wauwanoka which he, his family and friends could enjoy. Riv was a man who happily shared everything he had.
    In his dealings Riv was scrupulously honest and always fair. This became well known in the communities where he lived and thus he was well liked by friends and neighbours.
    In his profession he was competent, made many friends, and earned the respect of his colleagues and peers.
    Riv was preceded in death by his dear wife Jane, whom he loved dearly and unfailingly. On the last occasion that I saw them together, I realized that theirs was a truly great love.
    Riv Maddox lived a full and interesting life. He loved Australia, and he loved warm temperatures, thus he was not fond of the St. Louis winter season.
    It remains only to say that I deeply regret the passing of my friend Riv. The only consolation is that he has gone to be with his beloved wife Jane, with whom he will be happy for eternity.

  2. VICTORIA RIVERO on January 28, 2024 at 9:32 am

    I met Riv in 1977, in Buenos Aires. He was working for Sherwood Medical Company, and we were his customers. He came back many times, once, with his son Sean, once with Jane, his wife. I enjoyed listening to his English languaje, so clear. He said he had a “mid-atlantic accent” for he had lived in so many English speaking countries. He had a wonderful sense of humour. His visits were a pleasure for us. I will remember him forever smiling

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