Joel Hill Watkins III

Passed in Peace at the age of 78 at his home in St. Charles, Mo on the evening of June 23rd, 2020.

Joel Hill Watkins III was born in Oakland, California in Alameda County on April 23rd 1942. He was the Son of Ruth Taylor & Joel H. Watkins II. Joel was the first of four children and was followed by George, Ruthie and Robert.

Joel grew up in Birmingham, Michigan and graduated from Birmingham High School. He later moved to St. Louis, Missouri to attend Washington University where he received his bachelor’s degree in fine art. A few years later he married Ann Meyer 1964-1990) and relocated to St. Charles, Missouri. Never really working as a fine artist, he moved into the commercial side of things in order to earn a living. He started working at a local news station, KTVI. After many years of this, he started his own Ad Agency with Watkins Advertising only to end up working for Jefferson Studios who’s main client was Anheuser Busch. After retiring Joel spent his days buying and selling antiques, guns and knives.

Joel had a setback in 2006 with Congestive Heart failure, but he regained his health and started working out regularly at the local YMCA. In 2017 Joel had another setback and was diagnosed with Bone Cancer. He struggled to regain full health, but after stopping the treatment his life was once again enjoyable.

Joel was active in his earlier years living in St. Charles, with the helping of developing historic Main St. become what it is today. He had fond memories those times.

Joel played the Fiddle and had frequent jam sessions throughout his life. The friends he made through that music meant so much to him!

Joel was up early and to bed earlier. He valued his new found friends at the local YMCA and it kept him going each day. Most mornings, after working out, he would head to his local coffee shop where he would hang out for hours. Many close friends and relations came from that time spent.

Joel was a collector of sorts. He loved what he loved and I will say no more! (Ha ha!) If you have ever been to his house, you know!

Joel traveled a lot with friends going to antique shows around the Midwest. He loved chit chatting with all walks of life and was quite the character himself. Again, he made many close friends and associates with this hobby.

Joel was an avid reader and movie watcher. He quit watching tv in 2015!

Joel enjoyed drawing and painting and had quite a talent! He was always willing to help someone out if they needed artwork or a design for a project or business.

Joel’s fondest memories are of his family get togethers and reunions at Topsail Beach, North Carolina. One week each year he made the trip to be with his closest. The family sharing past experiences with one laugh after the next was his favorite time spent. He spent each year waiting to go back!

Joel is survived by his two sons, Joel IV (Elsberry, Mo) & Jason Watkins (Brooklyn, NY);
Joel’s brother, George Watkins and his wife Jan (Michigan), and their two sons, Todd & Brad; Joel’s sister, Ruth Lindemann and her husband Carl (Colorado), and their son, Robert; Joel’s brother, Robert Watkins and his wife LeAnna (Washington), and their two children, Amy & Shane.

Joel was dearly loved by his Family and closest friends of which had many. He considered those close friends like family, and would want them to know this. He is missed, but here.


  1. George Watkins on July 7, 2020 at 7:08 am

    One of a kind. He will be missed by many.

  2. Robert Watkins on July 7, 2020 at 9:43 am

    Joe, you left us too soon. We didn’t have a proper goodbye, but you know we all loved you. I miss you Bro.

  3. Le Anna Watkins on July 7, 2020 at 10:01 am

    Joe, you were a great brother-in-law. One of my fondest memories is the year we shared an old ramshackle beach cottage and “remodeled” it our way, only to decide we wanted to buy it and leave it just the way it was. You left us too soon and will be missed by all of us.

  4. Scott Taylor on July 7, 2020 at 12:17 pm

    God speed cousin Joey from the Taylor Clan…..

  5. Billy Watkins on July 7, 2020 at 2:22 pm

    Now, I guess no one will ever know who lit the firecracker in Uncle Tommy’s back seat so many years ago. You are missed cuz!!

  6. Kathy on July 7, 2020 at 7:57 pm

    I met Joel at the YMCA years ago, we became fast friends. We were on the same wave length, had many conversations about the world.
    My last contact with Joel, was a happy Father’s Day wish June 21.
    I miss my dear friend Joel!
    Blessings in heaven Joel!

  7. Joel Watkins on July 8, 2020 at 4:44 pm

    Love you and miss you Dad!

  8. Mary DuBois on July 8, 2020 at 6:26 pm

    Joel , you were a unique gentleman. You could be so funny and yet so kind and understanding. A day spent with you was an adventure, whether it was spent at a museum, Shaw’s garden, junk shops, or seedy bars. You were up for anything. You will be terribly missed, old pal. Hope there’s a coffee house in heaven where we can all be together again.

  9. Annie Scheumbauer on July 8, 2020 at 8:07 pm

    Joel, I enjoyed playing with you at all those Friday night jam sessions in St. Charles. Rest In Peace, dear friend.

  10. Susan Connor on July 9, 2020 at 9:47 pm

    Joel was a Wonderful person and Friend. He was always ready to help all who needed it, and would do so in a heartbeat . He touched the lives of many people, I am just one of them. He would give such good advice, and would always wait to be asked before he would give advice , he was a true gentleman. I am going to miss him SO very much as all of us who knew him. We would all meet at Crooked Tree Coffee Shop and spend such quality time together, I always felt like he was part of my family, I will always feel that way… <3

  11. Jack Conover on July 9, 2020 at 9:55 pm

    Joel was a fine gentleman with a great sense of humor. I loved his dry wit and sense of irony. God bless Him!

  12. Jo on July 10, 2020 at 10:31 am


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