Elizabeth S. Marlowe

Elizabeth Schmaus Marlowe, 84, passed away September 26, 2013 at Bethesda Meadow in Ellisville, MO from respiratory complications after suffering a broken hip in April. Surviving family includes son Stephen Glen Marlowe & wife Laura, daughter Katrina (Marlowe) Priese & husband Fred Priese IV, and granddaughters Melissa and Caitlyn Priese.
Elizabeth was born January 3, 1929 in Paducah, KY to Henry and Minnie (Rottgering) Schmaus. The youngest of three (Nellouise & William), she attended Paducah Community College and Murray State University, later earning a BA in Business Administration from Maryville University in St. Louis.
She met and married Nelson Marlowe in 1954, and after Steve and Trina were born, they moved to St. Louis where she worked part-time until assuming a full-time sales position at American National Can, where she worked through to retirement. Always active and contributing, she was a longtime smiling face at Meramec Community College’s bookstore, where she was well loved, continuing to work until 2012. Betty enjoyed reading, traveling, entertaining, swimming, and attending the arts.
Elizabeth was known for her lovely soprano voice. Trained early on as a vocal musician, she performed solos and sang in choirs throughout her life. After moving to St. Louis, she joined the St. Louis Symphony Chorus (charter member) where she sang for 19 seasons. Later, with Bel Canto, she continued to enjoy choral singing for many years. As a charter member of Eliot Unitarian Chapel, Elizabeth was the oldest and longest running (50+ years) member of the choir, singing right up until her hip injury occurred. Many remember her warmth and creativity, along with her innate ability to make others feel valued and loved.
Well-known as a woman of intelligence, grace, integrity and spirit, Elizabeth (Bahboo, Sissie, Mom, Betty) will be dearly missed, especially by her children and beloved granddaughters.
On Saturday, November 23, at 11:00 am, a memorial service and reception will be held at Eliot Chapel in Kirkwood, MO. Elizabeth will be laid to rest at the Oak Grove Cemetery in Paducah.
In lieu of flowers, gifts in appreciation of Elizabeth’s life may be made to:
American Lung Association National Headquarters
1301 Pennsylvania Ave., NW, Suite 800, Washington, DC 20004 or online at www.lung.org/donate/
Circle of Concern (local non-profit providing food and aid to low-income families)
PO Box 444, Valley Park, MO 63088 or online at www.circleofconcern.org


  1. Kevin Bloomquist on September 30, 2013 at 4:56 pm

    What a beautiful remembrance for our dear Betty. I feel lucky to have known her all of my life and she will be very missed. She has a special place in my heart.

  2. Betty Karnette & Richard Karnette on September 30, 2013 at 6:11 pm

    We shared so much that it’s hard to think she isn’t still with us. Of course, she will always be with me. She was like my sister. We were together at St. Mathew’s Lutheran Church and Paduah Junior College. Her sister, Nell, and I lived together in Chicago. I actually spent more time with Sissie and Nell than I did with my own family during those college and Chicago years. I was lucky to know her.

    She will ALWAYS be with me.

  3. Lisa Kastner on September 30, 2013 at 10:48 pm

    I feel honored to have had the chance to know her and sing with her for the past few years. She was a beautiful spirit with the most infectious laugh. I am grateful for her life and will miss her.

  4. Jan and Bill Erdman on October 1, 2013 at 8:04 am

    That Betty was a gem of a woman. It was a dividend of life to be her friend.

    Jan and Bill Erdman

  5. Suzanne LeLaurin on October 1, 2013 at 11:13 am

    Betty will be missed but always in our hearts.

  6. Meramec Bookstore Staff on October 1, 2013 at 11:48 am

    All of us at the Meramec Bookstore are better for having known Betty. May we have half the fun in life that she did. Fondly remembering her infectious laugh and wonderful stories.
    We are sure she has docked the canoe and is enjoying a martini by the camp fire.
    Rest in peace “Sweet Betty”

    St. Louis Community College
    Meramec Bookstore Staff

  7. Corinne Esneault on October 1, 2013 at 8:55 pm

    What a lady…what a life…and what a gentle, caring spirit…I will miss her so.

  8. Faith Williams on October 3, 2013 at 4:35 pm

    She was such a presence at Eliot – and especially in the choir – that I can’t believe she’s gone. So glad I knew her!

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