St. Louis Cremation

Stephanie Lynn Willman

Stephanie Lynn Willman, age 34, of St. Louis, Missouri departed this life on Thursday, September 24th, 2015 at her home, surrounded by family.

Stephanie was born May 7, 1981 in St. Louis, MO. Stephanie is survived by her mother and stepfather, Debra and Len Barringer of Athens, AL, her father and stepmother El and Connie Willman of St. James, MO, and her brother Rich and sister-in-law Marayia, nieces Kayleigh and Emily Willman of Sullivan, MO. She is a special angel to her grandparents Willa and Gus Willman of St. Louis, MO and the late Amelia (Sis) and Vincent (Jim) Candela, as well as many cousins, aunts, uncles, step-siblings and a multitude of friends.

Stephanie had a great love of the outdoors, fishing and camping were among her favorite things to do. She also had a great love for her family, friends and church. Her family and friends have many cherished memories of vacations, camping trips, church events, and holidays with Stephanie.

In lieu of flowers or donations Stephanie’s family requests that you follow her lead and do something for someone in need, be it by talking to someone, sharing the stories of Stephanie and her love of Jesus or by visiting and donating your time to a homeless shelter. These are the things Stephanie herself would often do!

Memorial Service Saturday, Oct 3, 2015, 11 AM, New Testament Baptist Church 962 N. Church St. Sullivan, MO 63080.

We have given the statistics of her family, birth date, date of death but only Stephanie can tell you about Stephanie, so below is the eulogy that she wrote for herself:

Hey everyone. So I bet you didn’t expect to hear from me beyond the grave, but surprise! Haha. Didn’t think you could get rid of me that easy?!?! 🙂

Everyone has their own take, own perspective on my life so I guess I just wanted to share mine, because there’s not one person who completely knew or understood me. Some of you may think that is sad, but I don’t. I was somewhat private and then the other part was perhaps scared and the other part is simply I was made of layers. I had so many layers or multiple personalities – take your pick. Hehe. Every single experience in life from the day I can remember, I knew, I felt something bigger than all of this, all of us. For years I would share Jesus with select people, but never with those truly close to me. Perhaps it was because they wouldn’t receive me (Him), think I was a hypocrite because of my lifestyle or because I was scared. For whatever the reason, I am just happy to see so many who have chosen to follow Our Lord now. We are not to boast of what we do out of love for Christ, so therefore much of my life was a secret because it was all meant for His glory! Hold Your Thoughts…ALSO so much of my life was secretive because of things I did that did not bring Him glory! I know many of you can relate, however we don’t share these things. Though more often than not, it is the sin that people find out more about than the love shared, even though the sin is not who we are though perceived; but it is out of sin that we become more of the one He created us to be, if we allow it.

Every person in my life knew a layer of me, some more than one and some good, some only bad layers and some knew a mixture of good and bad layers. I knew all the layers (I think hehe) and from my perception in all I did; good, bad, indifferent; I offered it all up to God before, during and after. He knew my heart and all I ever wanted to do was to share His love, in all ways possible. Some of those were not the right way, most of the time. 🙂

I’m only 34 but God has allowed me to live a full, rich, complete, beautifully messy and blessed life! I am so thankful for every single moment of every single day, for I lived more than most that live to an old age. I Thank You Lord, I thank you to each one of you for whether it was a brief moment or years of knowing each other, you made those moments last a lifetime, a great lifetime! I can only hope I did the same for you!! He chose me!! 🙂

I Love all of you! Don’t be scared of adventure! Don’t live with regret! Don’t wait until tomorrow! Don’t deny someone because they’re different! Let Jesus in! Plant seeds! See you again some day! Now go get the party started – eat lots, laugh even more!! And never stop laughing!! And share that smile with a stranger!!

                        LOVE!!!  GOD BLESS!!!!


  1. Bill Redmond on September 29, 2015 at 2:43 pm

    Debbie and Family,

    Our thoughts and prayers are with you.

    Bill and Andrea

  2. Donna Pendleton on September 29, 2015 at 2:55 pm

    Stephanie will be so missed, and admired for ALL of the good that she did in such a short lifetime.

    Prayers are with you (Debbie) and your entire family.
    Much Love,

  3. Lisa Hughey on September 29, 2015 at 2:55 pm

    Debbie and Family such a beautiful message and video from Stephanie.

    Those who we hold closest to our hearts never truly leave us.
    They live on in the kindness they have shared and the love they brought into our lives.

    My Condolences to your entire family.

  4. Joy Hicks on September 29, 2015 at 2:56 pm

    What an amazing message from Stephanie!! Thank you so much for sharing it with us. Even now, Stephanie is prodding those around her to live our lives bringing Glory to God. Even so, I know your hearts are broken and the pain is real and deep. When we love so deeply, loss hurts. But thank goodness for the opportunity to love that deeply. Your Alabama friends are thinking of your and praying peace as you prepare for Stephanie’s Memorial Service.
    Much Love,
    Joy Hicks
    Apache PM

  5. Amber Montgomery on September 29, 2015 at 3:57 pm

    I wish that there were words adequate enough to explain the imprint Stephanie made on my life. She was without a doubt one of the strongest women I have ever known. My thoughts are with all who loved her as we try to navigate what’s left of this life without her.

  6. Jessica on September 29, 2015 at 5:57 pm

    What a great message. She truely helped the lives of so many. I’m forever greatful for God bringing her into my life & enjoyed the time we got to spend together. I love & miss you. See you again someday!

  7. Pam Dillon on September 29, 2015 at 8:24 pm

    Sometimes the strongest people in the morning are the ones who cried all night. Thinking of you and your family. If you need me don’t hesitate to call. Love to all.

  8. Pam and Ray Woolery on September 29, 2015 at 8:38 pm

    The beauty of Steph will on long past this life. We really never know what our impact our life is on someone until were gone.She made a impact on everyone by being such a sweet loving soul and a beautiful person inside and out. God Blessed us with her presence. Now We Grieve with the family the loss, much Love. Pam and Ray

  9. Chris Redd on September 29, 2015 at 8:58 pm

    Deb and friends and family. Steph will always have a special place in my heart. She could be as stubborn as a Missouri mule, and at the same time as loving as anyone I have ever known. I know that she’s looking over all of us and wanting us to be joyful and happy even as we grieve for her. May hers and Gods love help us all !! R.I.P. little Steph.

  10. Maureen Barry on September 30, 2015 at 12:11 am

    So sorry for your loss. Stephanie will be missed.

  11. Sarah Fortner on September 30, 2015 at 9:23 am

    Debbie, Chuck and I are so sorry for your loss. She had a beautiful message. You are in our thoughts and prayers.
    Love, Chuck and Sarah

  12. Mary Igoe Sokolik on October 1, 2015 at 12:33 pm

    Dear Debbie,
    The tears were flowing as I watched Stephanie’s Video and read her beautiful tribute to her family and friends. Her message will be an inspiration to me and those fighting her fate with cancer. Only her family, friends and those whom are walked in her shoes know how scared Stephanie was during her darkest moments. Her faith in God was surely an example to others. He surrounded her with love and always held her in the palm of His Hand. Your angel Stephanie is smiling down from God’s throne and reaping the rewards of her life, which she share with others. I love you Debbie! My thoughts and prayers are with you!

  13. Jeanie Price on October 2, 2015 at 9:35 am

    Debbie and Family,

    Thank you for sharing the Joy that is Stephanie!! She was such a joy and brought smiles to all!!!
    Steph will be so missed! I know my heart breaks right now for you all and yet joy for Steph to be at peace in Heaven!
    My condolences to the whole family. Debbie I am praying for you.

  14. Uncle Bill & God-Mother, Aunt Jo Ann on October 2, 2015 at 10:28 pm

    What an amazing and beautiful God-Child I had. Stephanie or as Uncle Bill called her, “Little Stevie” will be missed greatly. We know she is in God’s Arms now and surrounded by departed love ones. Don’t forget to meet us at the pearly gates, when it is our turn. Love You Always!!!

  15. Vickie Greufe on October 2, 2015 at 11:59 pm

    Never met Stephs family, my family thought so much of her. So glad she came back to see us. We shared a few apple crisps together from the old apple trees. So independent and wow, what a radiant smile. Will miss our pretty girl !!!

  16. Gayle Wood on October 11, 2015 at 9:44 am

    So honest and inspirational I would have loved to known you. My prayers to your family who very much loved you.

  17. Mom on July 27, 2016 at 4:20 pm

    Just thinking of you like I do everyday and missing you. Love you to the moon and back, I know I will see you again someday.
    Love, Kisses and Hugs

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