Adrienne Wexler

Adrienne Wexler

 Adrienne Wexler……Born on November 23, 1937.    Deceased on November 22, 2011.  Survived by her mother,son,,daughter,  and sister.    She will be remembered for being an avid reader, especially poetry and Shakespearean literature. In her younger days, she worked for a community newspaper, "The Williamsburgh News" in Brooklyn, N.Y. where her interviews with famous entertainers were published weekly for the public to enjoy. Besides being a good writer, she was endowed with a lovely singing voice.  These attributes were an asset to her teaching career in N.Y.C. where she taught elementary  school children for several years.    May her Soul rest in everlasting peace.


  1. Rita Mancin on January 6, 2012 at 10:23 pm

    Someday, we will again sing our favorite song,,,,”We Gather Together”…….

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