Antoinette Scalise

Antoinette Scalise

Antoinette, called Ann or Annie by her friends and family, was born on April 26, 1926 to Louise and Gus Bono in St. Louis. Ann and her siblings, Nancy, Fred, Rosalie and Fanny were raised in a largely Italian community as both her parents and many of her relatives were born in Sicily. Ann attended St. Lawrence of O’Toole Catholic Elementary School then graduated from Hadley Tech High School.

Ann married her childhood sweetheart, Joe Scalise, after he returned from serving in the Navy during World War II. Ann and Joe had 3 children, Joe Jr., Kathy and Mary Beth.

Ann was a long-time seamstress, and in the 70’s began working secondary employment at Busch Stadium, where she continued to work after her retirement. She became an avid Cardinal fan and wherever she went she let people know of her ‘beloved Cardinals’.

Ann was diagnosed with dementia (Alzheimer’s) while in her early 70’s. If you knew Ann you would know she was not about to let this disease get the better of her without a fight. And fight she did! Ann was a survivor, often overcoming difficult obstacles throughout life. Ann was a devout Catholic who had a strong devotion to Mary. Ann would be seen saying the rosary and praying daily. She walked to church and attended Mass daily until she no longer could do so.

Ann was most proud of her children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Ann loved to dance and had a special place in her heart for animals. Her mother once said that if there was a stray in the neighborhood Ann would bring it home.

Ann passed away on September 18th peacefully with her children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren and family members present. As always, she provided the way for her family to be together.

Ann donated her brain to Washington University’s Memory and Aging Study to further research on Alzheimer’s disease. Ann participated in the research study to assist in finding a cure for her children, grandchildren and others.

Ann is survived by her 3 children, 9 grandchildren and 10 great-children, sisters Rosalie Bono and Fanny Gasparotto and her aunt, Fanny Scholl.

A Memorial Mass will be held at St. John Catholic Church, 4525 Old Highway 21, Imperial, MO on Saturday, October 16th at 11 a.m.

The family of Ann Scalise would like to thank the many people who helped her during her long journey, especially the staff at Mary Ryder Home, Delmar Gardens, Oak Knoll and Avalon Gardens.


  1. Michele Felton on September 23, 2010 at 12:00 am

    I am happy that she is finally happy and at peace, but selfishly sad. She was an amazing woman and she will be missed.

  2. Jimmy and Roseann Harthill on September 26, 2010 at 12:00 am

    Our hearts are sad for your loss. Annie was a great cousin and fun to be with! We will remember the good times – Christmas Eve was the best for us kids. We will keep your family in our prayers.
    Love, Jimmy and Roseann

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