David Kenneth Swinney Jr.

David Swinney Jr.


On January 6, 1982, David was born and God called him home on February 7, 2012. From the moment David entered this world he knowingly and unknowingly touched lives. At the young age of three months, he gave his Aunt Marla’s hand to be married and at 16 months, he flew to England to welcome his cousin Brandyn into the world. This began David’s life of giving to others. David grew up with his cousin Aja Doyan and held a strong bond in life. David completed his education in 2000, graduating from Fern-Ridge High School, Creve Coeur, Missouri. David also served in the United States Navy. 
David’s “Grammy” preceded him in 2007, but he leaves his beloved Mother, Adrienne Overall-Lee, step-father Glen Lee and his brothers, Jessie and Stephen Hess, aunts Gwendolyn Bell, Robynne Moore, Marla Smith and Melissa Overall along with a host of cousins, other relatives and friends to celebrate his life.
“Gone………But never forgotten!”
The Serenity Prayer
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can and wisdom to know the difference.
Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Taking, as He did, this sinful world
as it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that He will make all things right
if I surrender to His Will;
That I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with Him
Forever in the next.
Amen. ~Reinhold Niebuhr


  1. Tricia Haskin on February 17, 2012 at 12:00 am

    Funeral Director @ St. Louis Cremation

  2. Robynne J. Moore on February 21, 2012 at 11:37 am

    I thank God for the 30 years He allowed you to be a part of our lives. You sure will be missed, but I shall draw from the memories from your birth until the last time I saw and spoke with you!

    Missing you dearly,
    Auntie Robynne

  3. Quiana Turnage on February 23, 2012 at 9:59 am

    Psalm 30:5
    Weeping may remain for a night, but rejoicing comes in the morning.

  4. Kevin Smith on February 23, 2012 at 10:11 am

    I thank Jah for the opportunity of being a part of your life & family for 4yrs. Your spirit is now at peace. The memories that you gave are priceless.

  5. Pam Bankhead on February 23, 2012 at 10:31 am

    A great soul serves everyone all the time.
    A great soul never dies.
    It brings us together again and again
    Maya Angelou

    My prayers and thoughts are with you and your family in your time of sorrow. God Bless you.

  6. Kay Cobb on February 23, 2012 at 12:35 pm

    I pray that God strengthen your family and remember to celebrate David’s life from here on…sadden no more.

  7. Erica Lewis on February 23, 2012 at 2:56 pm

    My heartfelt condolences to the Family and friends of David Kenneth Swinney Jr. I pray that you are all blessed with comfort and love during this sad time. Bless

  8. April Beckley on February 24, 2012 at 2:45 pm

    May God give you comfort and strength in your time of need. Earth has no sorrow that heaven cannot heal.

  9. Mary B. Hessler on February 24, 2012 at 4:20 pm

    My prayers are with you in your time of sorrow.

  10. Monica Willis on February 29, 2012 at 11:40 am

    I am so sorry for your loss. My prayers are with you and your family in this time of need.

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