Ernest Stix, Jr.



  1. Karin Schwartz on October 6, 2011 at 11:34 am

    Dear Judy, Susan, Peter, and Robert,
    My heartfelt sympathy to you in the loss of your life-long partner and father. The recent death of my dad, Gene Schwartz at 95 years old, parallels the experience you are now undergoing, and while it is a difficult thing, we can be grateful for the time that we did have together. Both of these fathers inspired, supported and loved their families, and also made a difference to those around them. May many warm memories help you through this difficult time.


  2. Lilly Abraham on October 6, 2011 at 4:57 pm

    Dear Judy,
    I will so miss Ernest’s warm “Good Morning” each day when passing his breakfast table. He was such a special person. I am glad to have had the opportunity to be his friend. I know how deeply you and your children will feel the loss of him. My deepest sympathies, Yours Lil.

  3. Jackie & Martin Bergmann on October 6, 2011 at 5:20 pm

    Dear Judy: We are so sorry to learn of Ernest’s death. Please accept our sincerest sympathies in your bereavement.
    We are presently visiting in South Carolina but will certainly contact when we get back next week.
    Sincerely, Jackie and Martin

  4. Ed and Madeleine Boccia on October 7, 2011 at 10:09 am

    Dear Judith and Family,
    We are very sorry to hear about Ernest passing away. He was a Gentleman and a very fine Sculptor.
    Affectionately, Ed and Madeleine Boccia

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