Grace Maniaci

Grace Maniaci

Maniaci, Grace (nee Cusumano)   
Asleep in Jesus, Sunday, January 10, 2010
Beloved wife of the late Faro Maniaci; 
Dear mother of Faro (Kathleen) Maniaci,
Teresa (Jerry) Schulte, and Kathi (Dave) Meier
Dear grandmother of Faro, Michael, Thomas Maniaci,
Gary (Diana) Hodges, Steve (Wendy) Meier, Becky Williams
Jerry (Jenny) Schulte, Robin (David) Bright, and Lori (Dean) Stockton
Dear great-grandmother of Jamie, Tommy and Michael Maniaci
Christopher, John and Chucky Hodges,
Blake Estes, Alec Meier, Gregory Williams,
Alexis Schulte, Lea and Davey Bright,
Coty and Haley Stockton
Great-great grandmother of Michael Maniaci, Jr and Max Schaffer
Dear sister of Rose and Josie Finazzo, Mary Biondo,
Maggie Trupiono, Sam, Tony and Joe Cusumano,
Sarah Buselaki and Jenny Hager
Dear aunt and cousin
No Visitation.  Funeral Mass @ St Angela Merici Church,
Saturday, January 16 at 10:00 am
3860 N Lindbergh, Florissant, Mo.
Luncheon @ church after Mass
Donations to Alzheimers Association


  1. Barb Craft Flunker on January 14, 2010 at 12:00 am

    My sympathy is sent to you and yours on the passing of Mrs. Maniaci. She had such a wonderful smile.

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