Harold Verlin Cash

Harold Cash

 Harold Verlin Cash


Harold Verlin Cash – 84 years old and resident of Jennings, Missouri.  He was staying at the Villages of St. Peters at the time of his passing.  Born September 9, 1927 in Charleston, MO.


Cash passed November 6, 2011.


Cash was Son to William and Katy Cash.


He lost Evelyn, his wife of 62 years, April 19, 2010.


He is survived by his children: Harold Verlin Cash Jr.(Dolores), Donna Marie Cash and Jonathan Scott Cash(Stacia), 9 grandchildren, and 10 great-grandchildren.


He had requested no funeral services.


He had also requested that donations be made in Evelyn Cash’s name to the following charity:


David C. Pratt Cancer Center

Mercy Health Foundation

615 S. New Ballas Road

St. Louis, MO 63141


  1. Shea on November 8, 2011 at 7:03 pm

    we love you PaPa Cash. give Grandma a kiss from Lily.

  2. Gina Longo on November 9, 2011 at 11:33 am

    May you rest in peace Mr. Cash. I never had the honor of meeting you in person but I learned so much about what a wonderful man and Daddy you were from your precious daughter Donna. God bless and God speed.

  3. suzanne degrez on November 9, 2011 at 5:31 pm

    My very deepest sorrow for the loss of your daddy.He is with momma now. Keep the faith that one day we will all be in heaven with no pain no sorrow only happiness.

  4. Lisa on November 14, 2011 at 10:17 am

    Scott, It’s never easy to lose someone you love so much but you can have comfort in knowing that he is with the love of his life once again. The memories you have will keep him alive and in your heart forever.

  5. Michelle Meyer on November 16, 2011 at 5:08 am

    Michael and I were very sad to hear the news of your father’s passing. He will live on in your heart and in your memory forever. May he rest in peace in heaven. Always remember all the good times you shared with him and how much he loved you.

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