Helen Webber

Helen Webber

As you can see from the slideshow mom liked to have fun and she was up for anything we had in mind for her to do.  Her crown and jewels were for her birthday party.  Our families like to play games and mom was always in the middle of a game.  Her grandson, Steve would visit them weekly when he was in town bringing supper and then the three of them would play games for the evening.  The game of choice was usually Skipbo.  Steve says grandma didn’t worry much about setting someone up and grandpa was on her left so he benefited.  She was a great competitor but playing and enjoying the company was more important.  Don’t get me wrong ‘she liked to win’. 

We included the picture with the hat because it shows she likes to have fun.  When she was staying with Tammy & Charlie the past few weeks Tammy was taking her picture and wanted her to smile bigger and suggested she think about something Charlie had teased her about.  That didn’t produce the desired effect so Tammy began wiggling her tongue in her mouth and making faces and mom did the same thing.  Tammy thinks the picture is cute, mom didn’t think so and said she should have known Tammy would show the picture. (I have been selective in who sees it, and mom would be pleased it’s not on the web site). 

Below are a few facts about mom that you might find of interest.  The list could go on and on and we may add more. 

Helen Marcella Sumner, Mahlandt, Webber

  • Born: June 17, 1916  Died: March 22, 2010
  • Parents: Leander Harrison Sumner & Effie M. Pepple
  • Siblings: Irene Abegg, Leander and Charles Sumner
  • Graduated from St. Luke’s Hospital Feb. 1938
  • Married Ralph Raymond Mahlandt: August 1938
  • Two daughters: Tamara Ann Williams and Sharon Sue Buenger
  • Two sons in laws:  Charles John Williams and Melvin Buenger
  • Became a Christian at a Billy Graham Crusade in 1954
  • Married John Webber: November 12, 1960
  • Six grandchildren: Chuck, Jeff, Steve, Jim, Brett & Bren
  • Ten great grandchildren: Chaz, Hanna, Jeff, Jessica, Josh, Joe’l, Stephen, Nastea, Payton, Brock Williams; Nick, Eliza Buenger & Athena & Alise Nunemacher
  • Charter member Faith-Salem Church
  • Greatest achievement – She loved well.
  • Please leave messages of love and condolence below.


    1. Eloise Foss on March 29, 2010 at 12:00 am

      I did not know her well, but she always led the prayer at the Berry Hill Golf Banquet.
      I loved her sense of humor and great smile.

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