James R. Lange

James Lange

 James (Jimmy) R. Lange, Jr, 51 of Affton, MO, passed away April 4, 2012 at Mercy Hospital in St. Louis, MO following a brief illness.


  1. Matt and Mollie Lange on April 4, 2012 at 4:34 pm

    Jimmy, you will be missed. From now on every time I see a shark or some reference to James Bond I will have a special place in my heart for you. I was lucky to have you as a big brother.
    Matt and Mollie

  2. Linda & Chris Nicholas on April 4, 2012 at 6:30 pm

    To my big brother, who will be forever in my heart. Jimmy and I were like movie critics, always discussing the movie after we watched it, like Siskel & Ebert. He helped me through alot!! And like my younger brother Matt said, everytime i see or hear about sharks i will think of him. We love you Jim, Lynn, Chris & Kyle

  3. Theresa Kostedt on April 4, 2012 at 9:29 pm

    Jimmy, growing up, I enjoyed hanging around you – my best friends older brother – who I had a big crush on!
    My heart goes out to Linda & your entire family since I know they’ll miss you a lot.
    Love, Theresa (Tadesa)

  4. Kathy, Alex and Shauna Goforth on April 5, 2012 at 2:47 am

    Jimmy, you have always brought a smile to all of our faces, as well as laughs to go along with smiles. We love you dearly~ Kathy, Alex and Shauna

  5. Marguerite & Matthew Jahns on April 5, 2012 at 7:37 am

    Jimmy, I always looked forward to seeing you when I would come for a visit. My memories of us hanging in the family room, watching TV, laughing at your jokes, listening to your funny stories about work. Even though I will miss seeing you and it will be sad to see your spot on the couch empty, I know you are in a better place and are at peace. Love to you Jimmy. Marguerite & Matthew

  6. Sally and Jeff Scholten on April 5, 2012 at 4:33 pm

    Jimmy you will be missed deeply, I will remember talking to you about the movies you were a true movie buff. Your now your families angel watching out for them. Love to you Jimmy. Grace and Jim my prayers and thoughts are with you at this difficult time.
    Love Sally, Jeff and the boys

  7. Julia Auch (Weidlich) on April 5, 2012 at 6:04 pm

    Wow, you will certainly be missed. I’ll always remember you as Linda’s “hunky” older brother. My fondest memory is of you talking passionately about Jaws! Rest in peace.

  8. Darci Kleindl on April 6, 2012 at 12:48 pm

    Jimmy, Redmond shines when you mom visits us and speaks of the love she has for you and all her of children. I will never forget the laughter we shared during my visi. I was feeling self conscience and you kindly assured me that it was “ok” to be sitting by the pool, in a swimsuit, eating 5 White Castle mini burgers and fries. Your humor made my day. As our friend and an angel in heaven, I know you will watch over your loved ones.

  9. Tiffanie Stanfield on April 25, 2012 at 12:42 pm

    I’m not sure what to say. It has taken some time for me to locate information about Jim.

    For many of the family members who are not familar with me. I worked with “Jim” at the Hampton Village Famous Footwear. He and I were good friends. We shared great conversations about cooking, his parents, family, his hobbies, etc.. He was a great guy. You will be missed, even from those that seem distance.

    May you Rest In Peace.

    Prayers goes out to ALL of the family.

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