Jayne Levin

 Jayne Kitchen Levin.12/8/26to 07/20/2010. Beloved daughter of the late Anna and Robert Dalzell. Loving wife of the late Arthur Kitchen and the late Harry Levin. Beloved mother of Phyllis, Brona, Andrea , Marla and the late William. Devoted sister to Virginia Pape, Diane Hall, Janet  Dalzell, the late Nancy Albadri, the late Juanita Manley,t he late Charles Dalzell and the late Grover Dalzell. Loving aunt, great aunt and great great aunt to many. Our mother retired from Saks Fifth Ave. in 1997. She was the most sucessful cosmetics rep. in her dept. and received many awards from Saks and accolades from her customers. She was a beautiful and very stylish lady with a wonderful sense of humor and a great wit about her. Our mother loved gardening and could name any plant or shrub. She landscaped my front yard and in spring the flash of different colors is amazing and people have stopped to tell us how wonderul it looks. She was also a devoted animal lover and shed many tears over the media showing of the hurt and deceased animals on the gulf. Her greatest love of course was her family.The only regret that she expressed to me upon knowing of her fatal disease was that she would miss seeing her daughters and sisters "darling little faces."….Our love for her  was as great as hers for us and we miss her terribly. But memories of our time together, the remembrance of her beautiful smile and her great laughter and all the things that she taught us about life lives on in each of us forever. Rest in peace dear mother, sister, and aunt.


  1. Valeshea(Lisa) Mature on August 3, 2010 at 12:00 am

    I’ll always remember her soft spoken words of wisdom,it was always from the heart, she always said she loved my smile, but in truth she was the inspiration for my smile, I will miss her and I will always carry a part of her in my heart!! Jayne you were loved by many!

  2. Kat Gunn on August 3, 2010 at 12:00 am

    It will be hard not to make the 1st stop, Jayne’s room to smile and say hi, and just stop awhile to talk about any ole thing ya want with her. I will ever so miss the moments we spent to look out and talk of the birds, or how Lisa and I were doing with the kids. She always asked how everyone one else was never talked about herself but to say I’m ok how about you? Jayne always thought of others!I will miss her smiling eyes my way!!!

  3. Georgia Bankston on August 4, 2010 at 12:00 am

    I shall never forget your beautiful smile and you welcoming me into your home in 1967. You always shined your light upon me and opened your home to me…always. So many virtues you had and they always shined forth because of your efforts. What a great noble life you led. The Angels have welcomed you with open arms!!

  4. Bunny West on August 6, 2010 at 12:00 am

    So hard to write about Jayne,I always thought the sapelling was Jane, Sorry Jayne. She would meet me at the door in Maryland Heights, and say, Phyllis is up in her room, then she and I would chat. When I would phone, she and I uwually chatted a whle, waiting for Phyllis to answer, She and I just talked about anything, Janye you were a very special kind hearted lady,and I will never forget you. Thank you for your friendship and our chats.

  5. Nahida Albadri on August 18, 2010 at 12:00 am

    Aunt Jayne was a loving and and sister. It gives me great joy and comfort to remember the many phone calls she and my mother, Nancy Albadri shared.

    They would discuss their favorite recipes, what they had for dinner the night before or what mischief “Ricky” was getting into.

    Aunt Jayne, I can’t tell you what happiness those phone calls meant to my Mom. Thank you and know that you are truly missed by your family in New Jersey.

    Until we meet again,
    Your Loving Neice – Nahida Jane Albadri

  6. Sherry Lynn Bechaud on September 20, 2010 at 12:00 am

    Jayne, where do i begin. I first met Jayne sitting in phyllis’s front yard with garden gloves on with a great big style and smile because of course she was landscaping, she loved it, she could get anything to grow even a christmas cactus. Jayne has taught me to go for what you want, she has left me with strenth and i love her so much for that. We use to sit and have little chats, or should i say we would watch cnn and the jewelry channel, and she would say, “Isn’t that fabulous” and i would say,” yes it is let’s order it”,but then we decided that are pocket books were not that big. After the chats i would say “So, how much do i owe you for that therapy session?” and of course she would just laugh and say come over anytime. Jayne was a generous woman, always giving, even if someone else had given it to her, she wanted me to have her Channel #5 lotion and perfume, it make me cry but she just kept saying, “take it i want you to have it”. I miss her terribly, but her presence is amoung us! Jayne loved birds, so please put a birdfeeder in you yard in her memory! Jayne you rest in peace beautiful lady, cause i have your daughter Phyllis covered! And last but not least Jayne thank you for being my friend, peace out!

  7. Evelyn Kelley on October 20, 2010 at 12:00 am

    Jayne and I did not see eye to eye on some things, but she always managed to crack me up with her sharp wit! I will miss her always. I hope she has her own garden in heaven,so that she can share it with the family that welcomed her into their arms. God bless you Jayne.You are missed more than you know.

  8. Karen Hall on October 30, 2010 at 12:00 am

    my aunt Jayne was a wonderful mother , aunt , sister and friend . as a child , I recall she was always joyful . someone you can admire . I will always remember aunt Jayne as a classy and funny lady . your loving niece Karen Hall

  9. Jaime Ayotte on October 30, 2010 at 12:00 am

    “When we lose one we love, our bitterest tears are called forth by the memory of hours when we loved not enough.” – Maurice Maeterlinck

    I did not have the pleasure of meeting your mother but that does not mean I cannot tell through conversation and by the emptiness in your eyes since her passing that, she is worth every bit of emotion that you must work through in order to regain strength and wholeness. You were loved, you are loved, and you will always be loved.

  10. Jaime Ayotte on October 30, 2010 at 12:00 am

    “When we lose one we love, our bitterest tears are called forth by the memory of hours when we loved not enough.” – Maurice Maeterlinck

    I did not have the pleasure of meeting your mother but that does not mean I cannot tell through conversation and by the emptiness in your eyes since her passing that, she is worth every bit of emotion that you must work through in order to regain strength and wholeness. You were loved, you are loved, and you will always be loved.

  11. Brona Kitchen on October 30, 2010 at 12:00 am

    My mother was one of a kind and very giving. Not a day went by where I didn’t call her to catch up on the world. She was very beautiful and would listen without giving her opinions if you didn’t want them. I miss her every day and want to reach out to call her. I know she is an angel watching upon us right now and probably having a laugh or two and hoping we had moisturized our skin. She loved unconditionally and would give you her shirt off her back. She was dignified every in her last days. I love you Mother and miss you so much. Your daughter, Brona

  12. Marla Kitchen on November 12, 2010 at 12:00 am

    To my loving Mother, Didn’t ever think in my whole life I would be writing on a computer about you.Life is so different here with out you every time I have some good news I so miss being able to share your thoughts and views I so miss asking you what do you think about this. I have to figure these things out for my self and that is a change I’m not used to.You are so missed by me, and so many. I will take forth your wisdom and strength you instilled in my sisters, and I forever. Thank you,for being a great mother, and thank you for being my friend .I will miss you every day till we meet again.Love you momma.

  13. PHYLLIS FOLEY on December 8, 2010 at 12:00 am


  14. TINA on December 9, 2010 at 12:00 am


  15. Deb Trennin on January 11, 2011 at 12:00 am

    My fondest memory of Aunt Jayne has always been her vibrant zest for life and her example of being a strong, secure woman; capable of handing many challenging events in her life and never giving in to any setbacks sent her way. For that we love and cherish our Aunt Jayne forever.

  16. Deb Trennin on January 11, 2011 at 12:00 am

    My thoughts and deepest sympathy are with you my cousins – Phyllis, Brona, Andrea and Marla.

    Sending tender hugs and this poem to soothe your grieving heart…

    No one can know just what you’ve lost;
    No one can understand the cost;
    But when you feel your energy drain,
    Please count on us to help ease your pain.

    Let us help you cope with grief;
    We hope with time you’ll feel relief.
    We can’t replace the one who’s gone,
    But let our concern help you carry on.

    Author – unknown

  17. Deb Trennin on January 11, 2011 at 12:00 am

    My thoughts and deepest sympathy are with you my cousins – Phyllis, Brona, Andrea and Marla.

    Sending tender hugs and this poem to soothe your grieving heart…

    No one can know just what you’ve lost;
    No one can understand the cost;
    But when you feel your energy drain,
    Please count on us to help ease your pain.

    Let us help you cope with grief;
    We hope with time you’ll feel relief.
    We can’t replace the one who’s gone,
    But let our concern help you carry on.

    Author – unknown

  18. George Trennin on January 11, 2011 at 12:00 am

    I only met Aunt Jayne once back in the Spring of 2002. One can readily see that she was a natural favorite of the family. I always felt welcome and the door was always open with Aunt Jayne.

  19. George Trennin on January 11, 2011 at 12:00 am

    I only met Aunt Jayne once back in the Spring of 2002. One can readily see that she was a natural favorite of the family. I always felt welcome and the door was always open with Aunt Jayne.

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