Mary Lou Goldone

Mary Goldone

Mary Lou Goldone was called Home to Jesus on September 23, 2010. She is survived by her sons, Jeffrey of St. Louis and Charles (Kelly) of Denver, CO.

Services: Visitation at St. Margaret of Scotland, 3854 Flad, St. Louis 63110 at 9 a.m. on Monday, September 27th with mass to follow at 10 a.m. Graveside service at Resurrection Cemetery, 6901 Mackenzie, St. Louis 63123 at 11:30 a.m.

Donations: Please make memorial contributions to St. Margaret of Scotland, St. Vincent de Paul Society or Lutheran Senior Service Hospice.


  1. Anna Maria & Jeff Kowalik & LaSorella's on September 26, 2010 at 12:00 am

    Dearest Jeff and Chuck, although we haven’t been in touch as much as we would have preferred, you and your dear mom have always been as though a part of our own family! We share in your grief, as we will truly miss her! She was an exceptional woman: with a loving, giving heart, of strong soul & will, a writer extraordinaire, and a shining example of friend and mother! Her memory will always be among the most pleasant we hold—we cherish having had the opportunity to know and love her! Our only regret is not having made the time to visit her, always letting other “life” happen—and now she is gone! There has never been a time, however, that we didn’t think of you, Jeffrey, and of her in the same breath! You have both been a staple of conversation in our homes, just like any relative, ever since I left my parents’ home to start my own. I wish we could be with you now. My mom is particularly sad and she had expressed such worry after not being able to talk with her recently. We will be right there alongside you, however, in thought and prayer and love, AnnaMaria & family

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