Mitzi Fehr

Mitzi Fehr

Mitzi Fehr, 49, of St. Louis was born April 25, 1959 to Larry Stepp and Mary Jane Stepp died March 23, 2009, after a two year courageous battle with cancer. She died with family around her, without pain and in peace. She is survived by husband, John Fehr, son, Matthew Esquibel and daughter Wendy Webster.


  1. Cory Springer on March 25, 2009 at 3:41 pm

    Mitzi was an amazing woman, wife, mother, friend, and co-worker. Even though she is gone, she will always be around to guide us all. Her laugh and contagious personality will always be present. My love to goes to her and her family.
    Cory Springer

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