Steven Michael Pfeiffer

Steven Pfeiffer

Steven Michael Pfeiffer transitioned from this life at 6:48pm Wednesday
January 2, 2008 at his home in St. Louis, sleeping peacefully, with his
life partner Stephen Scurletis, his brother John Pfeiffer, and his dog
Winnie at his side.

Steven was born in St. Louis July 28, 1955. He attended St. Bernadette and
St. Cecilia grade schools, and St. John the Baptist High School. He was the
second male telephone operator hired by Southwestern Bell in St. Louis in
the early 1970s. Later he was a waiter at Balabans, an assistant manager
at Club St. Louis, and worked in reservations, front desk, night auditor,
and PBX in hotels in St. Louis, San Francisco, and San Diego, and in
cafeteria for San Diego Public Schools. For over a decade, Steven has been
an active member of the Midwest Mens Festival and Northwest Arkansas
CampCamp spiritual communities, where his loss is felt by many.

Steven is survived by his life partner of 14 years, Stephen Scurletis of
St. Louis, and preceded in death by his late life partner of many years
Thomas Edward Kielek of San Diego, April 11, 1954-October 25, 1992.

Steven was preceded in death by his mother, Juanita Belton Pfeiffer,
September 24, 1926-November 2, 2004. He is survived by his father Milton F.
Pfeiffer, Jr., brothers Milton F. Pfeiffer III, John E. Pfeiffer, and
Gregory C. Pfeiffer of St. Louis, sister Daphne Anderson of Grand Blanc,
Michigan, and brother Joseph D. Pfeiffer of Buford, Georgia.

Per his wishes, Steven was cremated and part of his ashes will be kept by
his partner Stephen Scurletis, and the remainder mixed with the ashes of
his late life partner Thomas Kielek and dispersed in the memorial pond at
the Kashi Ashram community in Sebastian, Florida.


  1. Shane & Dexter Jones/Henry on January 18, 2008 at 12:51 am

    Stephen, you know already that you have our love, thoughts, and prayers. Personally, I can’t imagine the kind of loss you are feeling right now, even if it’s “for the best”… or not. I won’t pretend to guess that. Regardless, you and DeeDee have been, are, and will always be essential to knowing what can be right and good in this world. I hope that, despite this incredible change in your life, that I will get to see you again soon at the next Camp Camp.

    May God’s peace be with you in all ways, truly and deeply felt… and may you feel the comfort of Him, of your brothers, and of your sisters as we all wrap our arms around you. Know that DeeDee is loved and will continue to be… as are you, my friend.


  2. Gentle Ben on January 18, 2008 at 1:17 am


    I had never met anyone like you, and since you are a unique creation of God, I know I never shall again. I truly thought of you as a holy man.

    You have left a hole in my life, but so much love in my heart. Thank you so much for sharing part of this incarnation with me.

    Jai Ganesh, jai Ganesh, jai Ganesh deva!

    Gentle Ben

  3. BamBam on January 18, 2008 at 8:22 am

    My love and light energy go out to you, LBGFSL. You and DeeDee have been an integral part of my growth as a human on this planet. Our community is stronger because of the love and caring the both of you have shown over the years. I will miss DeeDee for reasons innumerable. But my life is forever changed for knowing him. I am blessed.
    Love, BamBam

  4. Michael hunnychael Anderson on January 18, 2008 at 8:44 am

    The tears run hot on my cheeks and you are missed. I will light a candle and some incense and while I meditate my soul will reach out to yours. I wish you deep peace.

  5. Michael hunnychael Anderson on January 18, 2008 at 8:45 am

    The tears run hot on my cheeks and you are missed. I will light a candle and some incense and while I meditate my soul will reach out to yours. I wish you deep peace.

  6. chuck 'wingnut' on January 18, 2008 at 10:29 am

    i miss you deedee. you have been an inspiration in my life and the provider of my faerie name. hope your new journey is going well.

  7. Jim White on January 20, 2008 at 12:48 pm

    Stephen, please know that I deeply cherish having known DeeDee and having the both of you in my life. Although I shall deeply miss DeeDee, I feel his spirit and presence today and always will. May Spirit richly blees and keep and comfort you.

  8. Kris Kleindienst on January 21, 2008 at 10:13 pm

    Stephen, I am so sorry for your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Steven was blessed to spend so many years with you, and I’m sure you feel blessed to have had those years with him.
    May you take some comfort in knowing you were loved by him and that your love for him helped to make his transition a peaceful one.
    most sincerely,

  9. Donald L.Engstrom-Reese on January 22, 2008 at 5:19 pm

    I write this as a prayer,
    A spell working which shall sing the songs of transformation,
    Transmuting our hearts’ rhythms,
    Into a symphony ringing throughout the multiverse,
    Forever connecting us to our traveling Dee Dee,
    As he walks beneath the healing branches of the Apple Lands
    Tasting the wyrd fruits of beauty, balance and delight.

    I write this as a prayer,
    A spell working which shall call us together again,
    To relish the full powers of sensual wonder,
    To share a drink from the cauldron of companionship,
    To dance the dances of glory and restoration,
    On the banks of the River of Stars,
    And the beaches of the Dark Seas of Eternal Change.

    So it has been promised.
    So it shall be.

    Blessed Be.

  10. Betty on September 7, 2019 at 11:08 pm

    I was in school with Steven, at St. John’s. He a dear friend. He carried my books! Always loved him. May he rest in peace. He was such a gentle soul.

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