Tad David Satterfield

Tad Satterfield

Tad David Satterfield, son of Rae (Penberthy) and the late Sam Satterfield, and stepson of John Womack, was born July 28, 1970 at St. John’s Hospital in St. Louis. He grew up in Desloge, Missouri and attended North St. Francois County schools. A standout singer and pianist in high school, Tad graduated from North County High School in 1988. Before going to college, Tad spent a year in Belgium as a foreign exchange student, where he became fluent in Dutch.

Upon returning to the United States, Tad enrolled at Mineral Area College, where he was a cheerleader and involved in the music program. After two years at MAC, Tad transferred to Southeast Missouri State University and graduated with a bachelor of science degree. While at SEMO, Tad was a member of Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity and the award-winning cheerleading squad.

Never one to stay in one place for too long, Tad held a number of positions in his career in the healthcare field. Those jobs took him to such places as Houston, Chicago, St. Louis, and eventually to Lincoln, Nebraska where he met his life partner in 2003. Tad returned to St. Louis in 2006 with Cameron in tow.

Imbued from birth with a fighting spirit, Tad was involved in many causes dear to his heart, including marriage equality for same-sex couples, cancer awareness, environmentalism, and human rights. Tad described himself as a “bleeding heart lefty liberal,” and would often engage people in discussions about social policy and reforms.

In January 2008, Tad was diagnosed with a brain tumor known as glioblastoma multiforme. True to his spirit, Tad fought cancer bravely and exceeded his doctors’ expectations. He continued to work, travel, and touch peoples’ lives throughout his battle against the disease. One year to the date after his diagnosis, Tad got a Superman tattoo on his left shoulder, with a “T” in place of the “S.”

Tad entered eternal rest on February 8, 2010 in St. Louis. He is survived by his life partner Cameron Satterfield, mother Rae Womack, sister and brother-in-law Laura and Steve Elam, nieces Abby and Ella Gant, and his beloved dachshunds Isabel, Meeko, Lucy, Tido, and Tilly. He was preceded in death by his father Sam Satterfield, stepfather John Womack, and beloved dachshund Palo.

A Celebration of Life is planned on Saturday, February 20 at Metropolitan Community Church of Greater St. Louis, 1919 S. Broadway. In lieu of flowers, please send memorials to the Southeast Missouri State Foundation, C/O the Tad Satterfield Scholarship, 1 University Plaza, Cape Girardeau, MO 63701.



  1. Deb Wessel on February 10, 2010 at 12:00 am

    Tad you will be greatly missed by all. Your infectious laughter and big smile and funny faces will always be remembered. I will always remember the wonderful trips to St.Louis to see you and Cameron and how you had everything all planned and showed Milt & I a great time each and every time we were there. From all the sightseeing to all the wonderful restaurants you took us to. I will never forget the great time we all had Christmas of 2008 when you guys came to Lincoln and you went and rented Mamma Mia. Just remembering that night right now puts a smile on my face. I remember you getting up and dancing and singing and we repeated the ending of that movie over and over and I laughed so hard I cried. I’m sure your dancing and singing with the angels right now and snacking on coconut cream pie. I will continue to keep Cameron in line like you asked me to do last time Milt & I were there and also watch over him like I promised you I would do if you weren’t around because remember he’s stubborn lol. Tad thanks for all the wonderful memories and fun times we shared.

    Love Ya,

  2. Chris Stanfield on February 10, 2010 at 12:00 am

    Tad was one of the few people I have ever known that deserved the title, “Larger than Life.” He was my first roommate in college, a cheerleading teammate and had an infectious personality and gentle spirit. He will be missed. Please, go hug someone you love and make a new friend in his honor.

  3. Chris Basinger on February 15, 2010 at 12:00 am

    I come back to this sweet presentation often, and remember the song. Tad’s smiles and hugs, so dearly missed. A beautiful day… IMU Tad! Love, Chris

  4. Chris Basinger on February 15, 2010 at 12:00 am

    I come back to this sweet presentation often, and remember the song. Tad’s smiles and hugs, so dearly missed. A beautiful day… IMU Tad! Love, Chris

  5. Chris Basinger on February 15, 2010 at 12:00 am

    I come back to this sweet presentation often, and remember the song. Tad’s smiles and hugs, so dearly missed. A beautiful day… IMU Tad! Love, Chris

  6. Barbara Fontaine on February 19, 2010 at 12:00 am

    What a great heart! Love you Tad & Cameron too – Grandma Barbara

  7. Karah on December 13, 2011 at 12:46 pm

    A mililon thanks for posting this information.

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