Alexander Ray Hedrick

Alexander (Alex) Ray Hedrick Sr., 31 years of age, of Cedar Hill, MO,  was born in St. Louis on July 06, 1993 and passed away on September 12, 2024.

Alex was known for his amazingly huge heart, his bright shining personality, and always being the first person to lend a hand.

 He was rightfully proud of his ability to quickly become known amongst the top tree climbers around.

Alex was survived by his beloved Mother Renee Sterner: Father David(Kelly)Hedrick: His Family Sara McNamara: Children Kaden, Evan, Bentley, Emma, Olivia, and AJ(Alexander Jr.): as well as his siblings Terry and Ayden: Grandparents Donald and Joyce Sterner: Great Grandmother Erma Martin, and many Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, and Friends.  He was preceded in death by his beloved Grandmother and Grandfather Darlene and Ronald Hedrick.

A Celebration of Life will be held on October 13, 2024, from 12-1 PM for Immediate Family, 1-4 PM for everyone else at the Valley Park Lions Club, 1001 St. Louis Ave., Valley Park, MO


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