Alfred White
Alfred Charles White was born September 10, 1930 in St. Louis Missouri, to James “Jimmy” Curry and Martha Jane White. He was preceded in death by: both parents; sister, Grace McDaniel; children, William Gamble, Carol Freeman and Lonnie “Elaine” Smith.
Alfred “Sonny” had a rough time growing up, with losses and extensive racism. His grandparents, Viola and Grayson Kendricks, who raised him, gave him strength, love and the discipline he needed to grow into a fine young man.
He confessed a belief in Christ at an early age. He attended St. Louis Public Schools where he received his diploma.
In 1948, at 17 years old, he enlisted in the United States Army. He served until 1952. He loved that time in his life and reminisced often about his travels to Korea, Kobe Japan and more. Upon his discharge he received a Medal of Good Conduct, an Occupation Medal (Japan), a Korean Service Medal with bronze service stars, and the United States Service Medal.
In 1954 he married Flossine Bass and to this union their children were born.
Later, on April 9, 1964 he married Lonnie C. White and her three children. One child was born to this union.
He worked at Joyce Hat Company and National Vendors Company until his retirement.
Alfred “Sonny” White was called home on Tuesday, September 15, 2020 as he slept to join his beloved family and friends.
He leaved behind to cherish his memory: his daughters, Flossine White and Pamela White; sons, Alfred White, Jr. and Gerrick Ingram; 27 grandchildren, 47 great-grandchildren, several great-great-grandchildren; three sisters-in-law, Bessie Carter, Loretta McGowen, and Virgia Watson; and a host of nieces, nephews, cousins, and friends.
Thank God for allowing me to be one of your sons. Your character and personality will always continue to be with me.
Love, Bobo A.K.A. Al Jr. and Family
Thank God for allowing me to be one of your daughters. I will always remember the way you cared for me. You will always be in my heart.
Love, Cookie
To my dad, I thank God for your life and the time we spent together. I will always hold love for you in my heart.
Love you Forever, Gerrick and Weasel
You were the one who showed me what it means to be a man, loving father to my children, and a devoted husband. You gave me work ethic. You were strong but loving, shrewd but fair, stubborn but thoughtful. You were my real-life hero, the only father I knew. You prepared me for this day and I’m appreciative of everything you did for me. If it wasn’t for you, I’d probably be in jail or dead. For that reason I’ll always honor you. My King, my Dad, my Grandfather. Rest in Power!
Love, Brennon
Hey grandad” you just finished the life Elohim had for you down here, and now you are starting a new life up there. Make sure you and Lala prepare for us, so you all can give us a tour when we make it up there too. See you in a bit.
Love, Sir
A great man, a great father, a great granddad. Alfred was a staple of what all men strive to achieve. As a military man and a family man, he was a good example of what integrity, endurance, and family honor is all about. He was the go-to man for anyone who was in trouble or needed help. He was the super reliable man of the family. I’m jealous that you got to go to Japan before I did. I’ll keep that Japanese pool cue you gave me as an heirloom and memento. I’ll thin of you when I go to Japan too. See you later Space Cowboy, Ocean Thousand, Mountain Thousand.
Godspeed, Lorde HOOAH!
Memorial Service
A memorial service will be held Monday, September 28, 2020, at 11:00 am at the National Cemetery at Jefferson Barracks located at 2900 Sheridan Road, Saint Louis, Missouri 63125.
The family will meet following the ceremony at 10112 Jett Drive, Dellwood, Missouri 63136.
The family of the late Mr. Alfred Charles White, Sr. wishes to acknowledge with deep appreciation the many expressions of love, concern, and kindness shown to them during their bereavement. May God Bless and Keep You!