St. Louis Cremation - Allan Olson

Allan Olson

Allan Olson, 54, of Granite City, Illinois, passed away Thursday, August 29, 2013, at Barnes Jewish Hospital in St. Louis.

Allan was born in Toul-Rosieres France on March 5, 1959 to the late Marlin William and Sophia DeFazio Olson.

Allan served in the United States Army as a crew chief on the CH-47 Chinook helicopter.


  1. Preston L. Dent on September 13, 2013 at 3:13 pm

    Allan, I have only known you for about 8 years…over those years I had become to consider you my best friend. Even my damn dogs came to love and even know you by name. Zach would always do the horsey dance and Cassie would bark like a 3 mo. old puppy every time i would tell them;”Let’s go visit Allan”.

    I know that you have a brother somewhere in the area…I have some personal questions that i would really appreciate getting some answers to.

    My email is:
    My phone # is: (314) 341-8432


    PS: My condolences to all/any one else that loved Allen.

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