Angela Light

Angie was born to the late Stanley and Naomi Mayberry on March 24, 1969 in St. Louis, Mo. and laid to rest September 19, 2021 at St Louis Mary’s Hospital. She spent her final days fighting liver and kidney failure. Angie lived 52 years and graduated from John F. Hodge High School in St. James, Mo. She is survived by her sisters Kimberly Morris and Jessica Mayberry. Her brothers Punkin, Gene, and Sammy Joe Mayberry. Her son Kevin Ellis and two daughters Brittany and Jettie Hanks. Her grandchildren Trenton Studdard, Brody Edwards, Halsey and Keaton Oliver-Kidd and also Quentin, Chloe and Marshall Ellis. Angela Light last served her community at the American Cleaners Factory. Angel loved going to work. She always felt fullfilled being part of a team and working hard. Her favorite hobbies included arts and crafts, woodworking, and restoring old furniture. She was very talented and skilled in these areas. Angela also enjoyed fast cars and big trucks. The faster, louder and bigger they were, the better. Mickey Mouse was her favorite cartoon character and she even had a tattoo of him right on her leg. Angela was all about family. She loved them more than anything in the world. Becoming a mother was her greatest accomplishment to say at the least. She would always sing funny songs just see her loved ones smile and laugh. Angela was loved by everyone she knew and there are not enough words to describe how much she will be missed. She is never far from our thoughts, and always in our hearts. Until we meet again.


  1. Brittany Edwards on September 27, 2021 at 7:23 pm

    Momma , it still dont seam real , I still can’t wrap my head around you not being here with us anymore. Id literly give ANYTHING to be with you for 1 more day . I’d tell you all things I didn’t have time to say. I’d tell you every second of the day how much I love you. I’d hold you so tight so you couldn’t leave us so soon . Ill carry you with me everyday momma. I promise to keep your memory alive . I promise to tell all the grandkids about you and how beautiful you were inside and out. I promise to tell them how much they meant to you and how much you loved them ! I promise to watch over jettie and be ther for her when she needs you! I know your woth me in spirit but it doesn’t change the fact You was just taken way too soon . You took a piece of me with you when you left , You taught me everything but how to live without you .
    Until we meet again. I love you momma !

  2. Gia Calvin on September 27, 2021 at 8:56 pm

    I didn’t know her well but I knew she loved her kids and grandchildren and they loved her????

  3. Sherry Watson on September 28, 2021 at 8:44 pm

    I miss you so much N’Angie, I’m so sad your not here with us. I’m so sorry I didn’t realize you needed the Dr’s before we did. I’m so sorry for not knowing that you were so sick. Being with you every day I should have noticed. I miss you N’Ang. I know we’re still together just not physically but I want you back home!! I’d change so much if we had the chance. I LOVE YOU, you were always my favorite cousin, sister, best friend. You are here with me in my heart and thoughts, dreams and prayers. I’ll never let you completely go. My day’s just are not the same without you here by my side getting on each other’s nerves. Sticking our hands in each other’s plates and bags of chips. Or you taking a big’ol drink of my soda and realizing it was Dr.Pepper, Damn you Sherry why didn’t you tell me? I miss our walks, talks, laughing over stuff that wasn’t really funny. I LOVE YOU, & MISS YOU more than I ever thought was possible.

  4. Aunt Debbie on October 19, 2021 at 10:23 am

    Angie I. Miss u so much u were. Like my daughter instead of my niece I will never forget u I love u so much I need u in so many ways I think about u every day your memory will always be with me ilove u with all my heart

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