St. Louis Cremation

Anita J. Adams

Anita Joyce Adams, 70, of St. Louis County, passed away on March 4, 2023, at Mercy
Hospital in St. Louis.

Anita was born on September 20,1952 to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas and Opal Mobley in
Walnut Ridge, Arkansas.

After Anita graduated from Hoxie High School, she continued her education in healthcare becoming an LPN. She was employed at Lawrence Memorial Hospital in
Walnut Ridge, Arkansas and later at DePaul Hospital in Bridgeton, Missouri.

In 1980, she caught the eye of one Larry Keith Adams, who lived in the same
apartment complex. Larry would soon ask someone to introduce them.

Six months later on August 20,1980 Larry and Anita would have an early lunch at a
Chinese restaurant, being serenaded with love songs by a piano player. Following
their romantic lunch, they stood before a Justice of the Peace in Clayton, Missouri, to
become Husband and Wife. They were married for 42 years.

They were privileged to have born to them a son, Keith Adams of St Louis County.

Anita is preceded in death by her mother, Opal Irene Benson; her father, Thomas
Artis Mobley; and a sister, Diane Green.

She is survived by her husband, Larry Adams; her son, Keith Adams; her sister, Linda and Linda’s husband,Glenn Puckett; and four nieces.

Anita enjoyed several things including camping with her family, arts and crafts,
playing the guitar and singing, especially with her family.

She also enjoyed writing poetry, having a poem published in the ‘90’s, entitled Wheat
and Tares.

Anita enjoyed the company of pets, including chickens, but especially dogs, having at
least eight of them while married to Larry.

Anita was a faithful Christian and a member of the Overland Church of Christ. She
would attend church services when physically able and was present at church the
Sunday before she passed away.

She will be missed by family and friends and remembered in the hearts of many who
knew her and loved her.


  1. Ed Bialon on March 9, 2023 at 12:44 pm

    Anita was a faithful Christian and loving wife and mother. Praying for comfort and peace of Christ that passes all understanding her family at this time. “Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me [JESUS].” (John 14:1)
    God be with you Larry, and Keith, and Linda and the rest of Anita’s family.

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