
Bernielle “Benjie” Rud Shelton

September 17, 1919 ~ February 5, 2022


Bernielle “Benjie” Rid Shelton, 102, passed peacefully on February 5, 2022, at Manor Grove in Kirkwood, Missouri. She is survived by her daughter, Nanette (Ronald) Boelloeni, sons Mark and Thomas, grandchildren Renee, Robert, and Natalie. Preceded in death by her husband of 36 yrs. Robert Shelton, son Don, parents Bertha and Martel Rud, sisters Mildred Bolstad and Ihlene Fillingsness, and brother J. Martel Rud. 

There will be a Memorial Service at Webster United Methodist Church, 314-961-4133, 600 N. Bompart Avenue, Webster Groves, MO 63119 on Wednesday, March 16, 2022, Visitation from 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m with Memorial Service at 11:00 a.m. Luncheon for all to follow. Interment at Jefferson Barracks National Cemetery will be private.

Benjie was born in Centerville, South Dakota, and lived on their farm until their house was destroyed by fire and her mother was badly burned. The family moved to Sioux Falls, South Dakota in 1935 and bought a large house across the street from Augustana College (now University) enabling them to board young college women. Following high school, she only had to walk across the street to Augustana where she completed her certification for teaching while playing girls basketball. 

In September of 1939, she was assigned a teaching position in Lincoln County, Canton, South Dakota. This was a one-room schoolhouse where she taught all elementary subjects for the next 2 years. The next year found her teaching in Beresford, South Dakota, but World War II had other plans for her. 

Scott Air Field in Belleville, Illinois had a Radio School that needed an instructor. From May-August, 1942 she taught officers until the Army Air Command realized Bernie, without the “lle” added, was a woman. She was then transferred to the Army Air Base Radio School in Sioux Falls, South Dakota where she taught tactical procedures for the next 3 years. By then, her fiance Tech Sergeant, Robert Shelton was to be assigned overseas in Europe. They were married in Sioux Falls on August 25, 1945.

The couple left the war behind in November 1945 and moved to St. Louis, Mo buying a house in the Tower Grove Park area. Benjie worked at Famous Barr, now Macy’s in order to use her discount to furnish the house until October 1949 when children started arriving. She remained a homemaker with their four children until the youngest, Tom started school full time. She was always volunteering at schools and Shaw United Methodist Church where she was a member from 1946 to 2018, teaching Sunday school, singing in the choir, and working at the Fish Fry’s where she was known for her apple and cherry crumb pies. 

When she was ready to go back to teaching, she was told that after 25 years, there had been a lot of changes and she would have to update her courses. Then after 2 years at Harris Teachers College, she graduated with a B.A. in Education in 1967. She loved teaching 1st and 2nd grades, especially her years at Hodgen Elementary School. 

Her husband, Bob, became seriously ill and was preparing to retire when he suddenly died, in 1981. Benjie world was shaken, but kept teaching through the school year and then took early retirement. She kept busy with her little granddaughter, Renee, and taking water exercise classes at the Y.M.C.A. which she kept up with twice a week until 95 years old. As grandchildren, Robert and Natalie came along, there was always time for dinners, sleepovers, and trips, etc. She was the best caregiver, not only to her grandkids but also to her oldest son, Don. They were the best buddies, planning meals together, going to Church and especially Cardinal baseball games, in person or on television. 

By 2015, things were getting harder to remember and the steps more difficult with a smoke alarm that kept going off when something was left 0n the stove. So the decision was made to move to Tower Grove Manor and a two-bedroom apartment with meals furnished in a beautiful dining room and daily activities. She enjoyed the beautiful view from her 8th-floor windows. 

Life was good for the next three years until Benjie had a fall with fractures to her pelvis and tailbone. Almost finished in rehab, Don had a stroke and was also in rehab doing well, however, did not survive another stroke. With no one to come home to, Nan moved in to care for Benjie until other arrangements could be made. Approaching 100 was becoming difficult but that milestone was a great celebration; then COVID hit. Staying safe was a priority.

Benjie made it to 102 with only visits from immediate family. She was declining rapidly so the difficult decision was made to move her to Manor Grove where she would receive the additional care and therapy needed, as well as enjoy activities and meals with others. When asked how she was doing, she would say, “I’m fine, my body’s just worn out and I’m ready to rest.”  

She passed peacefully On February 5, 2022, and is now in God’s hands and singing with the angels.


  1. Rachel Wolf on March 10, 2022 at 6:50 pm

    I will always remember Benjie as a beautiful soul. I’ve known her since I was a teenager when Nan & I were good friends. Still are! I had no idea that she had accomplished so many things besides being a Mom. She was also a good correspondent. When I didn’t hear from Nan and Ron, she would keep me up to date. Benjie had a hard life, but made the best if it. Rich and I are sending all the love and prayers to her family. She will be missed!

  2. Margaret (Peggy) Kuehle on March 11, 2022 at 11:30 am

    What an incredible life. I had no idea.
    Such a gentle, strong, caring lady. And I use that term to encompass all the attributes that it suggests.
    I was privileged to know her and be with her weekly for a few short years (2004-2016) while living in St Louis .
    She was always so impeccable in her dress, so positive and kind in her words and actions, and it was always just a joy to be in her presence . Soft spoken, with a bit of a twinkle in her eyes.
    Rest In Peace dear friend.

  3. Paula White Hubbs on April 22, 2022 at 3:27 am

    I attend Shaw United Methodist in the late 60’s and early 70’s. Bernie was always a sweet lady and her husband was the nicest man. Rest in peace and my prayers are with her family.

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