St. Louis Cremation

Candi McNeal

Candi Michelle McNeal (Formerly Inman), 45, of Brentwood, MO, passed away Sunday, January 25, 2015. She was a beloved wife, mother, daughter, and friend. She was born in Clovis, NM on Cannon Air Force Base on November 24, 1969 to her mother, Maria Inman. She had a son, Jesse Parkin, in the same place as her birth, on January 23, 1990. She met Justin ‘Jay’ McNeal in 1993 and later married in 1996. The three moved to St. Louis, MO during the summer of 2000. She is survived by her grandmother, Josephine Marez, her mother, Maria Inman, uncles, Ronnie and Henry Marez, aunts, Mary Ann Shell and Linda Miller, husband, Justin J. McNeal, and son, Jesse Parkin.

Candi loved the Cardinals, computer games, rock concerts, cooking, great books, local restaurants, haunted places, St. Louis history, and much more. She would take care of any stray animals that crossed her path and has adopted two stray cats – Nike and Zoe.

At work, Candi was an Investments Chief Risk Officer at The Commerce Trust Company (Commerce Bank), where she worked since June of 2000. She loved her job and spoke avidly of her coworkers, their antics, and her growth from an entry-level position with the help of the company. Previously, she was a long-term dispatcher at the Clovis Police Department.

Candi was an example of – and appreciated – people that could bring themselves up and overcome adversity. She was also always quick to lend a helping hand when the opportunity presented itself. We will miss her, and never forget her place in our lives, nor her drive to overcome any barrier she came across.

Candi was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in 2009, but was determined not to let it take her down. She cared greatly about supporting MS research, and always preferred practicality – as such, the family asks for all donations to go to a campaign with the National MS Society in her name.

Memorial services are open to friends at 2135 Chouteau Ave. St. Louis, MO on Thursday, January 29 2-5PM.


  1. Esther Flowers Atchley on January 29, 2015 at 12:37 pm

    I worked with Candi , in Clovis, and was saddend to hear the news, Candi was very well thought of, a great co-worker, and shift supervisor, you will be missed. Our condolences to your family. 10-7,10-42, 10-37 McNeal, RIP.

  2. Carolyn Moore on January 29, 2015 at 9:16 pm

    It was with great pleasure to have worked with such a loving, smart, intelligent woman. I worked with Candi at the Clovis Police Department as a 911 Dispatcher. She will be greatly missed. My condolences to her family . 10-7 10-42 Candi Mcneal Rest in Peace we got it from here.

  3. Chrissy Jacklin on January 29, 2015 at 9:17 pm

    I was so shocked when I heard the news about Candi. She trained me as a dispatcher on Clovis and knew me as a police explorer. She was a wonderful person and will be missed

  4. Andrew Wasson on January 30, 2015 at 2:48 am

    I did not know Candi, but live across the street where this terrible accident happened. As an RN, I went to see what I could do to help. She and her husband have not left my mind since and I was so sad to hear that she passed. Please accept my condolences and sincere prayers to her family and especially to her husband. Even though I didn’t know her, I will never ever forget.

  5. Deena Lucero Leuea on January 30, 2015 at 10:26 am

    Praying for your family that is left behind. Praying you are celebrating in heaven. You were a fun friend in school and you will be missed.

  6. Bill Wasil and family on January 30, 2015 at 3:51 pm

    Our thoughts and prayers are with your family Justin. Bill Wasil and family in Columbus Ohio

  7. Norma Jensen on January 30, 2015 at 7:31 pm

    My heart goes out to all the family members. Candi, was our sweet baby sister, and we will always love her. I know she will be greatly missed. RIP Candia Michelle

  8. Regina Jones on February 4, 2015 at 12:24 pm

    Praying that God will give you peace in your quiet moments and comfort to replace your grief. I am so very sorry for your loss. Candi was dearly loved and will be greatly missed. Though it’s hard to cope with her passing and the pain seems unbearable, please remember you are not alone, for Psalms 34:18 promises, “God is near to those broken at heart; and those crushed in spirit he saves.” Pray to Him for strength. Weep to Him when there are no words. Let cherished memories of Candi warm your heart and bring a smile to your face. May God’s promise that you will one day see your beloved Candi again in a world free of sickness and death give you hope and bring you peace. Revelation 21:4 promises, “And He (God) will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and Death Will Be No More, neither will mourning, nor outcry, nor pain, be anymore…” With my deepest sympathy.

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