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Candice Sue Freeman

Candice Sue Freeman passed away on November 14th, 2020 at the age of 72 following a 2-year battle with cancer. Candy proudly described herself as being from Kansas City, despite having lived in the greater St. Louis area for the last 33 years. She held many jobs in her lifetime, including working as a telephone operator, dog groomer, loan officer, and child support collector, before finally finding her true calling as a software tester, a career from which she retired just a year before her death. Candy was a big fan of the Kansas City Chiefs and (somewhat reluctantly) the St. Louis Cardinals. Even greater joys in her life included Outlander (both the books and the TV series) and Xena: Warrior Princess (watching the television show, reading fan fiction, participating in online forums, and attending annual conventions).

Candy also enjoyed traveling, particularly to coastal areas. CHARIS, the St. Louis Women’s Chorus, was another treasured part of her life; for one thing, it provided the opportunity to meet her wife, Kim Powlishta. Since 2003, Candy served CHARIS as a singer, board member, treasurer, and fan. In addition to Kim (with whom she had been together for over 17 years and legally married for 4 years), Candy is survived by her son, Myk Freeman, her granddaughter Danielle Reich, and numerous other cherished family members, colleagues, and friends from various walks of life and parts of the world.


  1. Sharon Spurlock on December 15, 2020 at 12:28 pm

    Candy was as fiery as her hair but with a core of kindness that was deep. I miss her every day and hope you find comfort in your memories of her.

  2. Kris Raetzloff on December 15, 2020 at 12:36 pm

    Although I didnt know Candy long, she always treated me as if we had know Rachel other a long time. She was always nice and welcoming! Sending so much love and light during this difficult time!!

  3. Kris Raetzloff on December 15, 2020 at 12:38 pm

    Sorry for the previous typo..my phone corrected ” had known each other “to Rachel.

  4. Wendy Bell on December 15, 2020 at 12:39 pm

    A lovely tribute to a remarkable woman. May her memory be a blessing.

  5. Barb & Chris KellyCox on December 15, 2020 at 12:43 pm

    Candy’s exceptional character & beautiful spirit will be missed by all who knew and loved her! Rest in Heaven!

  6. Angela E. on December 15, 2020 at 12:47 pm

    Candy was a wonderful human! She was always so nice. She will be missed terribly. Sending all the love to every soul that is missing her light ❤

  7. Debbie Char on December 15, 2020 at 12:53 pm

    CHARIS was richer (both monetarily with a meticulous treasurer, and in spirit and energy) for having Candy. Like her heroine Xena, she had a strong sense of fairness and justice. Rest knowing you were well loved, Candy Warrior Princess!

  8. Kelsi Davis on December 15, 2020 at 1:01 pm

    I like to think Candy would get a kick out of all the things I almost typed into this box. She always encouraged me to be as vulgar and loud as I wanted and for that I am grateful. I will miss her encouragement and support.

  9. Kelsey Lee Evans on December 15, 2020 at 1:07 pm

    So kind and welcoming. We will miss her voice and her spirit.

  10. Caitlyn Benoit on December 15, 2020 at 1:08 pm

    I am going to miss Candy. She had a quick wit and wasn’t afraid to speak her mind.

    As a former member, she was part of what gave Charis, the Saint Louis Women’s Chorus its flavor. She helped the organization be an effective one from the business end.

    This world will never be the same without her. My heart goes out to Kim and the rest of her family.

  11. Hannah Phillips on December 15, 2020 at 1:08 pm

    I had such a nice time singing next to Candy, she was a thoughtful and nice person who welcomed me when I was new – her smile could light up a room! She will be missed and forever in our hearts. Much love to and warm wishes for her, her family and friends.

  12. Gail Wiley on December 15, 2020 at 1:13 pm

    Candy was a treasure trove of information for incoming Charis members. After she helped you out, it was like, “here’s your ears” in the Mickey Mouse Club. She was a front row mainstay for the Alto 2’s and will always be with us because of her lasting impact upon Charis.

  13. Mil E Hood on December 15, 2020 at 1:32 pm

    I didn’t get to know Candy as well or for as long as I would have liked and she was always a bright light in any room. She will always be missed.

  14. Melanie Maesaka on December 15, 2020 at 1:33 pm

    I always looked forward to seeing Candy’s smile at our rehearsals. She made me feel welcome at Charis from my very first visit! Sending hugs to her entire family during this difficult time. She will will me missed by soooo many!

  15. Angel and Kristen Walker-Myers on December 15, 2020 at 2:21 pm

    Candy was an amazing person who always spoke her mind. Charis was lucky to have her as part of our family for so many years. She will be missed.

  16. Erin Mann on December 15, 2020 at 2:35 pm

    I appreciated Candy’s warm presence just one section over in Charis, as well as her practicality and flexibility in her Treasurer duties. Her love for Charis and its individual singers was always apparent. She will be dearly missed, and Kim, my thoughts are with you.

  17. Julie Lynch on December 15, 2020 at 9:35 pm

    My sweet Candy Girl, thank you for all your kindness. Your support and encouragement were so valuable to me and I fear that I didn’t do a good enough job showing you how much I appreciated you. You were a blessing to many. I’m so grateful you were a part of my life. Peace and light to all those who love and miss you.

  18. Lisa Kastner on December 15, 2020 at 9:48 pm

    Reading this tribute and seeing those pictures brought back such vivid memories of Candy’s sharp wit and radiant smile. We were all so fortunate to benefit from her warmth and intelligence. Thinking of you, Kim, and sharing your grief.

  19. Charlotte Ellis on December 15, 2020 at 10:32 pm

    Candy will be missed by so many. I enjoyed being a second alto with her in several concerts. My condolences to you, Kim.

  20. Lisa Riek on December 15, 2020 at 11:05 pm

    Candy was my first contact with CHARIS. I appreciated how she made me feel welcome & comfortable. I admired her dedication to CHARIS & her generous nature. I enjoyed her witty humor. Candy was very supportive of me as a singer, board member, and person. I have fond memories of her. Thinking of you, Kim, and sending warm wishes for comfort and peace during this difficult time.

  21. Karen Clodfelter on December 16, 2020 at 2:35 pm

    Although I didn’t see Candy often after I left Charis, every time we saw each other there were smiles, fond greetings, and lovely chats. She was a gem who will be sorely missed. My thoughts are with Kim and the rest of her family during this profound loss.

  22. Loretta Haggard on December 22, 2020 at 12:12 pm

    Kim, what a beautiful remembrance of Candy. And that photo with the smile that made you just feel so welcome, at home! Candy will always be part of our very fabric at Charis – as, of course, are you! Our continued prayers for comfort in this very difficult time for you and Myk.

  23. Khat Kaye on January 16, 2021 at 3:25 pm

    Candy will be missed greatly, our hearts will hold her up every time CHARIS meets, and digs together. Candy spoke her mind and for her friendship I am truly grateful. Kim, thank you for sharing this beautiful tribute.

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