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Charles “Chuck” J. Landa Jr.

Charles J. Landa Jr. “Chuck”, passed on to the Lord Jesus, March 3, 2022 at the age of 64.

Born August 16, 1957, he was raised by his parents Charles J. Landa Sr. and Delores Landa (Schaefer) in St. Louis, MO where he resided.

Chuck was a Dear Son, Brother (and In Law), Uncle, Husband and Friend.

Hearing his voice speaking the funny nicknames and terms of endearment he had for many is already missed but with joy, we thank God for what we shared in this life and with hope we entrust him into God’s Kingdom.  

Chuck worked as a grocery store manager and in different areas of construction but he enjoyed both.  From the knowledge he gained and his creativity, Chuck was able to take part in building his own beautiful home.

He enjoyed many good times and activities outdoors, like off-road motorcycling, fishing, hunting, golfing and walking his best canine friend “Hunter”.  However, his most favorite activity was traveling to the mountains.  He went on many trips over his lifetime and was looking forward to a trip to Yankee Boy Basic, Colorado.  

Unfortunately Chuck’s physical infirmities grew over time and took away his ability to move freely.  However, he enjoyed watching sports, such as horse racing and football.  He continued to watch Rams football and was happy they won the 2022 Superbowl.

Now go rest high on the mountain Chuckie, you will always be loved and “Love never fails” 1 Corinthians 13:8.


  1. Shirley Eisenreich on March 10, 2022 at 3:42 pm


    We are so sorry for your loss and continue to send prayers. Chuck was fortunate to have you (and Margie) as caregivers – you did a great job taking care of him for many years, providing a better quality of life. Please accept our sincerest sympathies and know our thoughts and prayers are with you during this difficult time.

    Shirley & Mary

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