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Claudia Walley

The world has lost a true gem, and I do not mean a diamond in the rough, but a true gem who brightened the world of everyone who was lucky enough to interact with her. Claudia Deane (she hated her middle name) Wells Lindsey Walley departed this world on January 29th surrounded by people who love her.

She loved to dance, especially Square and Round dancing. She did, in fact, meet her husband of 21 years while Square Dancing. She was an avid crafter, who enjoyed knitting, crochet, sewing and anything that kept her hands and mind busy. She made gifts for her friends, children, and grandchildren that will continue to be cherished as parts of her vibrant spirt. Many baby blankets were woven with love by her two hands. The great outdoors was one of her favorite places to be, whether hiking, walking, gardening, or just sitting in her back yard enjoying the world. She was a trusted advisor, great listener, and surrogate mother or Oma to many.

She has had many jobs over the years where she has met many people and made many life long friends. Most recently she was an admin for Collegiate School of Medicine and Bioscience, where she has touched the lives of students, teachers, and parents. She trained and supported them in many ways. One year, she walked after school and on Saturday’s during marathon practice while a group of them trained to run the St Louis Go half marathon. She woke up early and followed their progress and cheered them on as the crossed the finish line that day. She was proud of them all as they transitioned into young adults. She shared every joy and hope for their futures. At graduation she cheered as they crossed the stage, as proud as any parent. She was so proud to be honored to be chosen as Wise Owl speaker for the inaugural graduating class at Collegiate. She loved you every bit as much as you loved her.

Claudia was proceeded in death by her father and mother Bruce and Norma Wells and fur baby Gretchen. She is survived by a large family who loved her. Husband, Bob Walley, sister and brother in law Sandy and Larry Jones, She had three sons and two daughters in law that she adopted as her own, Clint and Janet, Troy and Sada, and Logan Lindsey, two fur children Heidi and LeeLoo along with seven grandchildren, Quinn, Jordan, Jacob, Tyler, Vincent, Nina, and Poppy.

When Claudia was asked where her ashes were to be scattered, she said “The whole world is beautiful.”





  1. Stephanie Morris on February 4, 2020 at 3:20 pm

    I’m so sorry!!! I’m praying for the Family!!! Claudia was a very sweet person!!! May GOD comfort & strengthen you during this time!!!

  2. Sue Jackson on February 4, 2020 at 3:30 pm

    I can still feel the beauty and warmth of the last time I saw her smile. Claudia is an example of grace and hospitality. I cherish the moments we had together and only regret there were not many more. God bless the beautiful memories she has created in the lives of all who knew her. She touched many lives for good and we are all better for her being here. My deepest sympathies to Bob and her family.

  3. Sha Conda Frye on February 4, 2020 at 5:01 pm

    Peace and blessings to Claudia’s family and friends.

  4. Sheree Batayola on February 4, 2020 at 5:29 pm

    Fortunately, I was finally able to meet my Aunt Claudia in person, during one of my trips to Mississippi, years ago. I stayed with Claudia, and my Uncle Bob for a couple of days at their home.
    Claudia was instantly warm, sweet, and very hospitable during my stay.
    Since that time, I have always remembered her in that way, so was saddened to hear the news of her passing.
    Speaking with my Uncle Bob shortly after the news, I learned of how Claudia had to battle severe health issues over the past year, and did so with bravery, and perseverance.
    My Deepest Sympathy, Thoughts and Prayers are with my Uncle Bob, his Family,
    and Friends during this difficult time of loss.

  5. Jodi Foster on February 4, 2020 at 8:58 pm

    Claudia. We wish we could have known you longer. Max loved running outside to see you & Bob. He asks about you all the time. You and your family were the sweetest, kindest, and most genuine people we could have known. We are so blessed that you were our neighbors- we will forever miss you & think of you.

    Matthew, Jodi, Max, and Mia Foster

  6. LUZ A. GIRALDO on February 5, 2020 at 7:13 am

    We are going to miss her. My deepest condolences!

  7. Jackie Kay on February 5, 2020 at 8:41 am

    Claudia was a true light that shone at Collegiate! I am grateful to have known her kindness. My heart is very sad and I pray God will comfort her family.

  8. betty stolwyk on February 5, 2020 at 8:57 am

    To Bob (aka, ‘my corner’) and Claudia – Thank you so much for the time we got to share with you at our Singles & Doubles square dance club. You both made every class more joyful! Little did we know that the future time we would share with Claudia would be cut short. Given the loss we feel after such a short time with Claudia, I can’t imagine the loss felt by you, your family and all those who obviously loved the heck out of her. May her memory live in the way we live our lives, loving and giving to others as she did.

  9. Susan Lindsey-Schultz on February 5, 2020 at 9:51 am

    Logan, Troy and Clint I am so sorry for your loss.

  10. Debra (Hartsel) Hullaby on February 5, 2020 at 1:39 pm

    Dear Bob and family,
    Too many years have passed Since we were last in touch and I’m so sorry to hear of your loss. Claudia was a wonderful beautiful lady and with way out of her way for me on many occasion’s. I pray she knew how grateful I was and what a blessing she was to me and so many others. She has often been on my mind and always in my heart. I pray the comfort of our heavenly Father gives you peace.

  11. Dr D Hilten Edwards on February 5, 2020 at 3:52 pm

    I had the pleasure of serving as Associate Superintendent for Collegiate from the founding. Mrs Walley joined us in year two. In forty plus years in education meeting many truly outstanding professionals, not one could change the culture of a school as she did over the years. She was bright, caring, emphatic and without question the “heart” of the school. I was very sorry to hear this news and share my deepest sympathy for her family. To say she’ll be missed is an understatement, but we’ll know she’s looking down of all of us with a smile.
    Dr. Dan Edwards

  12. Jennifer Butterworth jrb on February 5, 2020 at 5:01 pm

    I have loved this beautiful soul from the day we met. My heart is with all of you!

  13. Lauren Hurst on February 5, 2020 at 7:29 pm

    Praying for the family and all that loved her. Claudia and I worked together learning insurance with a new State Farm agent. We talked about God a lot, about our families, and how we pictured what heaven would be like. When she left the office was never the same. I was able to meet her a couple times for lunch before she moved away from Tennessee. God sure received a blessing when Claudia arrived. Until we meet again I will carry your beautiful smile in my head and your love for people in my heart.
    Well done good and faithful servant. Well done.

  14. Mark Biondolino on February 5, 2020 at 8:05 pm

    Thoughts and condolences. Mrs.Walley was such a warm kind person and was very helpful and kind to us during my daughters time at Collegiate. She will always be fondly remembered by the Biondolino family

  15. Linda Shelton on February 5, 2020 at 8:10 pm

    My sincere condolences and prayers to Mrs. Walley family. She was a very sweet person. I will miss her voice when I call the school. I’m sad????❤

  16. Livia Konkel on February 5, 2020 at 8:34 pm

    I remember the first time visiting Collegiate and Ms. Walley was there with a smile and everything we needed to know about the school.
    Now after several years of my son being at Collegiate, I can say that her warmth and kindness made the school a better place. As my son said, she was the heart of the school and kept the school running! And as she would say, she was like a duck. Calm, cool and collected above the surface but paddling furiously under the surface to do everything she could for everyone.
    She made us parents feel like our kids were special. They all had her looking out for them. We will miss her so much. Our deepest sympathies to Ms. Walley’s family.

  17. Marvin L Hailey Jr and Family on February 5, 2020 at 9:12 pm

    It is with deepest sympathy for the family of Mrs. Walley that I pray you all find healing in your loss. My wife and I met Mrs. Walley at the first interview my daughter Marissa Hailey had to enter Collegiate. At that time I found that we shared the same day of birth, the 16th. Periodically I would greet her as my birthday twin. Mrs. Walley was definitely a shining light in the building. When I say the kids held her in high regard that was an understatement. Always a pleasant person and greeted you with a smile. My family’s prayers and condolences are with the large circle of family that loved and surrounded her.

  18. Janet Reifsteck on February 5, 2020 at 10:09 pm

    Mrs. Walley was the first person we met when our daughter interviewed for Collegiate. Her warm smile and calm demeanor put us all at ease. As we became involved in the school and volunteering, I interacted frequently with Claudia and she and I became quite friendly. I was always amazed at how she switched gears so often in the office, mothering this student, then business on the phone and running over here for this teacher and greeting every parent that entered by name. We always had fun doing the Senior pictures together. She was an amazing woman and I am so sorry for your loss. We have so many lovely memories of Claudia, so I know her family has many, many more. I hope those memories bring you comfort and knowing that she touched so many people so deeply. We will keep you in our prayers.

  19. Kim Kier / Tyler Tunell on February 5, 2020 at 10:29 pm

    My deepest sympathies go to Mrs. Wally’s family and friends at collegiate. My son will be graduating this year and we have had the pleasure of her wonderful smile and encouragement for 4 years. We are both very sad for this deep loss.

  20. Carol Crowell on February 5, 2020 at 11:07 pm

    Seems like yesterday I was at your wedding. May sweet, sweet Claudia Rest In Peace. Prayers for all.

  21. Caroline Reifsteck on February 5, 2020 at 11:32 pm

    Ms. Walley was one of the most important people to me. I am a graduate of Collegiate, and my experience there was so special because of her. Days when I didn’t want to go to school, the motivation would be that I got to see her cheerful face and words of positivity. She treated me like her own and was always looking out for each one of us. She really was a mom away from home. I am so grateful I was able to have her in my life. The last time I saw her was when I drove up to collegiate to visit and mainly to get one of her infamous hugs. I’m glad that I made an effort to go that day because she had the best hugs in the world. My heart goes out to her family. I will continue to keep them in my prayers. Ms. Walley has left a great impact on this world. Truly one of the most beautiful souls I have ever met.

  22. Patti Bloomer, Houston, Texas on February 6, 2020 at 10:22 am

    I knew Claudia since the ’70’s. Shared with her the joy of her pregnancies of each of her boys. Her joyous marriage to Bob. What I always think of is her infectious giggle. Such joy in one woman! Clint, Troy, Logan and Bob… my thoughts and prayers are with you.

  23. Deborah Crump-Doyle on February 6, 2020 at 10:35 am

    While I only knew Mrs. Wally professionally, she was often the first face I would see as I came into Collegiate. She always gave me a warm greeting and made me feel welcome. She was quick to offer some help when needed. It was obvious, Mrs. Wally cared for the children and staff she helped daily. I will miss her.
    My deepest condolences for her family.

  24. Benicia Nanez Hunt on February 6, 2020 at 6:19 pm

    I worked with Mrs. Walley for three years and from day one she made me feel like family. I learned more about being an assistant principal, Collegiate, and just people from Mrs. Walley. There just are no words to express the love and admiration I have for her. Mrs. Walley was more than the school’s secretary, administrative assistant extradonaire; she was everyone’s heart. I am so thankful to call her my friend. There was never a day she did not smile, or share a hug, or offer support. My years at Collegiate would not have been without Mrs. Walley. I wish I could tell her how much she truly meant to me and thank her for allowing me in her life and heart. My heart and prayers got out to the family. She was truly an angel in this world.

  25. Toni Feldhaus-Ingley on February 6, 2020 at 6:57 pm

    Mrs. Walley brought a little extra shine, a little extra warmth to every interaction. In the sea of teenage chaos and confusion that high school can be, she was always there to smooth the way. Our family will always remember her as a person who brought happiness every day to everyone she met. We will miss her very much, and we will always be grateful for her kindness .

  26. Amanda Arbuckle on February 7, 2020 at 10:53 am

    Words fall short in describing the warmth and kindness that shone from this remarkable soul. Mrs. Walley fully embodied the Collegiate spirit. I remember her smile and our chats about our favorite books. I remember also when she courageously spoke before the CSMB student body, sharing her past dream to be a veterinarian and her hopes for us and the future. The world was certainly a brighter place because of her. I know she will live forever in our hearts and our prayers.

  27. Lorraine Hackman on February 8, 2020 at 10:16 am

    We will miss Claudia greatly in our square dance group. My deepest sympathy to Bob and her family.

  28. Susan Bien on February 10, 2020 at 1:01 pm

    She was a wonderful woman who filled the world we joy and sunshine. I always looked forward to talking to her and will miss her greatly.

  29. Gretchen Davis on February 11, 2020 at 10:39 pm

    Ms. Walley was one of the kindest and caring people I have ever met. She was a mentor to my son during high school and we cried happily together after he graduated. She was always there for any activity and we could turn to her at all times. We were so sorry to hear of her passing but know that she is spreading joy wherever she may be. My son Jonathan, who is now away with the military, asked that I send his condolences.

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