
Constance (Connie) DeVee Long (Queck)

Constance (Connie) DeVee Long (Queck), 78, passed away on March 29th, 2024 in St. Louis, Missouri, after a long battle with COPD and Dementia.

She graduated from Rock Island High School in 1964 and went on to work as a secretary for many years. She retired and spent a few years in Colorado with her son, and then made her final move to St. Louis to be near her daughter.

Connie was preceded in death by her parents, Keith Queck,  Darlene June Queck, and her beloved brother, Larry Queck.

Connie is survived by her best friends in life, her sisters, Ronda Aschemann (Stan) and Karen Stonestreet (Frank).

Connie is blessed to have two amazing children, Kevin Long (Rose) and Heather Roberts Belt (Jason), 5 grandchildren, Pierce Roberts (Ashlyn), Cade Roberts (Samantha), Blake Belt, Keith Long, and Jacob Long. Just this year Connie was blessed with her first great-grandchild, Adley Roberts, who she loved seeing in photos and videos. Connie also had a special connection with her many nieces and nephews that adored “Aunt Connie”.

Constance Dizzy, or Sweet Connie as her family called her, had a heart the size of a dinosaur. There was nothing she wouldn’t do for someone. Even at the end, she greeted all caregivers or family with a smile and a “Hey Kid”. She loved jokes, laughing, and telling people they were ornery. She had a great sense of humor and was always kind and warm-hearted.

When not watching her favorite shows or sports on TV, her all-time favorite thing was playing any kind of game. Connie loved bingo and especially loved the poker nights bantering with the family for hours upon hours.

Connie lived a happy, joyful life and will be dearly missed.

Per her request, no formal funeral arrangements will be made. Her ashes will be spread on her son’s land in Colorado.


  1. Lou Coatney, Norway now on April 1, 2024 at 4:54 pm

    Connie and I were in the same grade in Rock Island schools, and what I remember most about her was she was always ready to smile, which we see right here. 🙂
    My sympathies to her family.

  2. Shirley Coe Larson on April 2, 2024 at 1:32 am

    Condolences and happy memories to family & fellow classmates of Rocky Grads of 1964

  3. Georgia Benner Hoggatt on April 2, 2024 at 12:46 pm

    Connie and I were close friends at Audubon 🥰
    We walked to and from school together and often played at each other’s houses

    My condolences to her family 🙏🏻

  4. Connie O’Hern on April 2, 2024 at 6:39 pm

    So very sorry to hear of Connie’s passing. We attended Audubon, Washington, and Rocky together. She was always a fun, happy person. I would keep track of her through her sister Ronda. My deepest sympathies to her family. Connie Miller O’Hern

  5. Jerry Reed on April 4, 2024 at 9:57 pm

    I knew Connie from Rocky High,
    She is a very warm and caring person, our condolences to her family and love ones

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