David Moerschell
David Moerschell: 12-1-1965 – 11-8-2018.
Honoring the life and love of everyone’s uncle, best friend, and baby brother. He is loved by many, respected by all and is resting now with his mother.
There will be a memorial celebration for Mr. Moerschell in the St. Louis Cremation Chapel in St. Peters, MO [320 Jungerman Road, St. Peters] on Saturday, November 24th, 12 noon-3:00 P.M.
Our deepest sympathy to you, David’s family. Needless to say we will all miss you David, starting with Saturday when we have our Thanksgiving this year. It won’t be the same without you joining us. I pray you are at peace and your Mother was waiting with open arms to greet you. Farewell for now dear friend but you will never be forgotten.
Love, Darleen & Harry
King David
Until we merge again my friend I have our memories.
I have no other words to say right now, just wait upon me please.
King Terry