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David John Grothaus, Jr.

David John Grothaus, Jr., took his final breath on September 26, 2024, at the age of 84.
We bid farewell to a loving and devoted father, father-in-law, grandfather, uncle, brother
and friend. Born November 20, 1939, to Rose and Dr. David John Grothaus Sr., the
second of three children, David was a devoted brother and son, valuing family and
fostering deep connections with neighbors and his community. David Grothaus was a
man of great faith and knowledge.
David leaves behind his sister, Alvina Fry (Grothaus), married to Robert Fry. Daughters
and son-in-laws, Renee and Heinz Artelt, Kristina and Scott Parrish, Gretchen
Grothaus, preceded our father in death, and Suzanne and Brett Spurgeon. He leaves
behind eight wonderful grandchildren; Lauren, Emma, and Ian (Renee and Heinz),
Madeline, Charles, and Jacob (Kristina and Scott), and Olivia, and Charlotte (Suzanne
and Brett) as well as many nieces, great nieces, nephews, and great nephews.
Family and friends respectfully invited to attend the funeral service for David, which will
be held at Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church October 14, 2024 at 11 AM. Following
the mass, we welcome all who knew him to join us in celebrating David’s life at Bishop’s
Post Restaurant.


  1. Alvina Fry. on October 4, 2024 at 5:00 pm

    David was the BEST Brother a Sister could request. I am PROUD to call you my Brother. I will try to follow in your footsteps in asking What Would Jesus Do. Love you. Alvina (Weezie)

  2. Sarah Cummings on October 13, 2024 at 6:26 pm

    He was an amazing dad! And I’m thankful I got to know him for so long. Much love to your family!

  3. Deacon Jim Martin on October 13, 2024 at 9:09 pm

    Dave was a very friend for at least 40 years, and I will miss his steady counsel and cheerful disposition. The Image of God in him was that of a serious listener compassionate presence for a person floating in a stormy sea. I’ll miss him and pray that he has found happiness in Heaven.

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