
Debby Lorraine Huitt

St.LouisDEBBY LORRAINE HUITT 62 years old passed away peacefully at her daughter’s home (Tammy Worley) with some help from BJC hospice on August 20,2021 after a courageous fight with stage 4 uterine cancer.

She leaves behind her mother (Theresa Huitt), her brother (Steven Sweezey), her 2 aunts (Sis Huitt) and (Gladys Bradley), her 3 daughter’s (Tammy Worley), (Pamela Worley), (Maryann Robinson), her husband (Troy Patterson), her 7 grandchildren (Brittany, Jada, Chloe, Sophie, Bella, Lilian and Nevaeh), her great grandson (Joseph), multiple cousins and her family at Uncle Bills Pancake House. She will be reunited with her father (James Huitt), Her brother (Michael Huitt) and her grandmother (Rose Naumann).

She was an amazing waitress/hostess for 40 years. She touched alot of people’s lives she was the best daughter, sister, niece, mother, wife, grandmother, cousin, and great grandmother any one could ever ask for. She loved horses, her marijuana nickname (Smokeahontas) and anything tie dye. She enjoyed her trips to tunica every year. Although she was taken from us to soon she made a bucket list with her daughter Tammy and was able to see a Cardinal game at the new stadium, went to lost valley lake resort, a winery, watch an awesome drag queen show and at the top of that list was to see the ocean for the first time she spent 4 days in Daytona Beach Florida where she watched the sunrise over the ocean every morning she said she loved the smell of the ocean.

Her wishes was to be cremated and to have a huge celebration of life party that will be held at Memorial park in Brentwood at the hanly pavilion after the memorial service at St. Louis Creamation on 2135 Chouteau in St.Louis MO 63103 from noon to 4 on September 4,2021. She will be missed tremendously but never forgotten.


  1. Kathy maher on August 28, 2021 at 6:37 pm

    I will miss you my friend, fly with the angels, I enjoy all our trips to tunica,

  2. Sharon Wendel on August 28, 2021 at 7:50 pm

    I miss making you laugh cuzzo. You are truly loved and deeply missed R.I.P Debby…????????????

  3. Sandy prosser on August 28, 2021 at 8:53 pm

    So sorry girls i got to know her while you guys were growing up! Anytime i was @ uncle bills she always took the time to sit and catch up. She was amazing mother & daughter. Her main goal was to raise you girls right keep you safe and see you all happy i think she did that & more! My prayers are with you love ya

  4. Debbie Kleb on August 28, 2021 at 9:41 pm

    Dear Debby,you will be missed by so many. You know we were so much alike, even the same name ???? II was so happy and so honored to spend time with you while you fulfilled your wish ❤ I love you and you left us too soon Fly High and Rest in Peace ✌

  5. Diana on August 29, 2021 at 12:51 am

    Dear Debbie you will miss neaver forget you fly high angel Rest in peace

  6. Amy Birk (Bohac) on September 2, 2021 at 2:02 pm

    Debby, you will be missed terribly. Jaz and I are lucky to know you! Loved our time together, tou were like a mom to me and a grandma to jaz. Rest in peace!

  7. Amy on September 2, 2021 at 6:18 pm

    Although I only knew Debby a short time, she was one of the sweetest, funniest, kindest Smart ass’ s I ever had the pleasure to meet. I’m glad I got to thank her in person for making my friend Tammy. I will miss getting to know Debby. To ALL her family and friends, my deepest condolences. Amy Schoo

  8. Tim Brueseke on September 3, 2021 at 10:18 am

    To her family I send my condolences. Debby you were a sweetheart that had a smile that would light up a room. May God bless you.

  9. Michael watson on September 8, 2021 at 1:37 am

    You will be missed just seems like yesterday you was training how to bus tables at uncle bills deftly one of kind rip fly high

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