Mulderig, Delight

Delight Sue Mulderig (NEE: Kohrs)

Delight Sue Mulderig (Kohrs) of Wentzville, MO, sadly passed away on February 28, 2022 at the age of 54. She is survived by her loving husband of 30 years, Dennis, and 2 sons John and David. She will be remembered by her family as a loving and selfless wife, mother, and Nana. She will be missed by all those lucky enough to know her.

In respect of her wishes, there will be no funeral. She will be remembered by her close family at a small celebration of life.


  1. John Grzeskowiak on March 7, 2022 at 11:23 am

    So sorry to hear about Delight’s passing. She was a real pleasure to work with and very talented. All the best to Dennis and the kids – God bless.

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