
Donald Arthur Ball LTC

Donald Arthur Ball LTC at the age of 89 passed away on June 23, 2023. 

Donald was born May 5, 1934 to Herbert and Glenna Ball in Elmhurst, Illinois. 

After graduating from Roxana high school in 1952, he joined the ROTC PROGRAM at the University of Illinois. Donald later received a Masters of Science in Engineering. He then decided to serve his country in the Army and went on to become a pilot. He served in Korea and Vietnam. During his career he received multiple medals of honor. 

He is survived by his wife of 32 years, Nancy Ball and a sister Beverly Hamilton (Charles Hamilton). He enjoyed being a Father, Grandfather, Great-Grandfather , brother, Uncle and friend to many. During his lifetime he enjoyed golfing, hunting and fishing. 

Donald lived life to the fullest to the very end!


  1. Linda Booher on June 29, 2023 at 7:04 am

    RIP. Don. U lived a full life. U will be missed by so many especially your sweet wife Nancy

  2. Nancy Ball on June 29, 2023 at 7:29 am


  3. Mark and Christa Hamilton Hamilton on June 29, 2023 at 12:38 pm

    Don, You will be missed. You had a good ‘run’. God bless.

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