St. Louis Cremation - St. Louis Cremation Tate

Donald Tate, Jr.

Donald Roy Tate, Jr., was born September 27, 1965, in St. Louis, MO, to Donald Roy and Janice M. Tate, Sr. He left his earthly body March 18, 2017, at his home in St. Louis, surrounded by loved ones.

Those left to honor his memory are his Mother and Step Father, Jan and Harold Willis, of Meta, MO; Two Brothers & Sisters-in-Law, Ron & Renee Tate of Manchester, MO and Al & Rana Dotson of Cuba, MO; His favorite Sister & Brother-in-Law, Mae & Charles Ferguson, of Cuba, MO; his very special Nieces and Nephews and Great Nieces and Nephews: Ronnie & Erin Tate (Isaiah & Lanie), Rachel & Dustin Bock (Jaxson), Brian Boxdorfer, Bradley & Lindsey Boxdorfer (Bennett), Mariclare Nelson, A.J. Dotson (Summer & Lazuris Dotson & Autumn Sandage), Rebecca Dotson (Michael Laxton), Brett Barton, Alex Dotson, Derek Davis (Haley & Jaden), Tessla Henke, Drake Hand (Scarlett), Joshua Neal, Danika Ferguson (Brylee Stewart), and Dylan, Damion, Adysen, & Harlea Ferguson; Aunts & Uncles Jean Dubar, Bill & Maria Tate, Donna Pearson, Kay Larson, Sylvia Pearson, Jean Pearson, Don & Carol Pearson, Wilma & Allen Fields; numerous cousins and other relatives; Nearly life-long best friend Mark Whitworth (Maggie), long time best friend & caretaker Kevin Rothermel , friend and caretaker Mike Kessels, and a host of other great friends.

Donnie was preceded in death by his Father, Donald Roy Tate, Sr.; Grandparents William & Mae Tate, Frank & Hazel Pearson, and step-Grandmother Marie Tate, Uncles Condy, Clyde, & Carl Tate, John, Kenneth, Howard, & Gary Pearson, and Aunts WillaMae & Sharon Tate.

Donnie moved with his family from Arnold, MO, to Cuba, MO, in 1977. He was baptized at a young age and graduated from Cuba High School in 1983. He worked as a radio announcer for KBCC in Cuba, MO, before joining the U.S. Navy, where he served in the Philippines from 1983 – 1986. After his military service, Donnie worked in retail sales, for many years as a bar tender, as a personal care attendant for people with disabilities, and most recently as a Floor Manager for a sheltered workshop with Mers- Goodwill. He was a member of numerous organizations.

Donnie was known for his love of his family and friends, being the most fun Uncle, and his ability to make everyone he met feel instantly at ease and accepted. His love was limitless and his smile and hugs were infectious. He is and will be missed tremendously by all who knew and loved him.
At his request, Donnie’s body was donated to science. Two Celebration of Life events will be held to honor Donnie: April 8, 2017, at 1:30pm at the V.F.W. Hall in Cuba, MO, and April 29, 2017, at 4:00pm at Just John in St. Louis, MO.


  1. Linda M Grimes on March 24, 2017 at 9:51 am

    All my love to my Missouri family. You and Donnie are always in my heart.

  2. Wilma Fields on March 24, 2017 at 10:02 am

    I will miss my nephew’s big smile & his loving nature. Jan, Mae, Ron, & Alfred, I am so sad that I was not able to see Donnie since last year, but also relieved that he is not suffering with that awful cancer anymore! You and all the kiddoes, have my love and prayers! Will see you in Cuba, MO on the 8th!

  3. Joe and Marsha Robinson on March 24, 2017 at 5:30 pm

    Much love, prayers, and sympathy Jan and Mae! Also to the rest of your family . We were blessed to have known Donnie!

  4. Jamie Lambing on March 24, 2017 at 11:09 pm

    Donnie always made me feel like I was important and loved, that was his gift. He be much missed. My condolences to his family and all who knew him.

  5. JD Green on March 28, 2017 at 2:39 pm

    I have known Donnie for over 30 years. he has always been the friend I wanted to be. his Gorgeous looks and Great personality, and truly loved people. and the Great times we have had together. there are no words to describe how sad this news is to me. I will miss you forever my Gorgeous Friend!

  6. Derrick Bradbury on March 5, 2018 at 1:35 pm

    I knew Donnie from BIS and he was a wonderful guy and he knew us “Bradbury’s” and since than I cried when I herd the news and since than Donnie will always be in my heart and soul and sprit since day one.. He had a crappy Ford Explore but I loved him like a brother too me (Derrick Bradbury) And since than Donnie I luv you brother NO MATTER WHAT HAPPEND’S god will always have you in his hand’s

    Love You,

    Derrick Robert Bradbury
    Karen and Rick Bradbury

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