Screenshot 2023-03-02 at 1.19.31 PM

Douglas E. Kitowski

Douglas Edward Kitowski of Berkeley, Missouri passed away on February 4th, 2023.

Doug was born on May 25, 1970 to Zigmond and Frances Kitowski.

He attended grade school at Holy Ghost Catholic School from Kindergarten thru 8th grade.  Doug was a student at Berkeley Sr. High School from 1984 to 1986 then attended North County Technical High School from 1986 to 1988.

Doug was preceded in death by his father and mother, Zigmond and Frances Kitowski.   He is survived by his two older brothers Tony Kitowski and Thomas Kitowski (Andrea), two nieces and a nephew:  Jessica Brown, Olivia Kitowski and Carson Kitowski

Doug also left behind many cousins and friends. With his kind nature and willingness to help others, he was a true friend to many.  It is this kind generous heart that he is most known.

Doug will be missed by his family, friends and people within the Berkeley Missouri community where he resided his entire child and adult life.

A funeral mass will be held at St. Michaels Church in Radom, IL at 10:00 o’clock AM on Saturday, March 4th, 2023.  This will be followed by a graveside service.

The family wishes you to donate to Mercy Hospital in lieu of flowers.!/donation/checkout?utm_source=mercy&utm_content=footer&c_src=mercy&c_src2=footer (!/donation/checkout?utm_source=mercy&utm_content=footer&c_src=mercy&c_src2=footer)

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