Dad Cutout

Douglas Hardie


On July 3rd, 2020, Douglas Hardie passed from this world at the age of 92 to join the woman who left her country for him on July 4th, 1956. He was the beloved husband to Chieko (nee Tanaka), father to Katherine Hardie, Joyce Hardie Smith and Jayson Hardie. Grandfather, to Leah Smith, Nikolas Ioakimides, Marisa Smith, Kael Hardie, Bailey Hardie, and Lilyanna Hardie. After Chieko’s passing, he became the beloved husband to Linda (nee Graves).

Born in Plainfield, New Jersey in 1927, to Randolph and Katherine Hardie, Douglas graduated from Yale with a Bachelor’s Degree in Fine Arts in 1951. After graduation, Doug joined the Army as a commercial artist, serving during the Korean War in Japan until 1953 where he met Chieko Tanaka of Osaka, Japan and after many marriage proposal attempts, was ultimately rewarded with marriage in 1955.

Starting their family in 1959, Douglas and Chieko raised their children in Dellwood, Missouri and spent their retired years in Ballwin where they hosted many gatherings with friends and family, making memories which will be cherished by all the lives they touched.

Chieko’s passing in 2010 by stroke was an unexpected loss, for which Doug and his children mourned greatly, along with the friends and extended family they shared.

It was during this time Doug resumed his artwork, which he was already well known for the skill and quality he produced and showed his drawings at local school and art festivals. In 2013, Linda Graves and Doug were married, which was a blessing to both Doug and the family, providing love, care, and companionship. He was able to maintain gainful employment up to this year still, by drawing pictures of homes in the real estate industry with Linda providing necessary managerial support.

His stable, caring, consistent, presence as husband, father, and co-worker are the qualities for which he will always be remembered. He leaves behind a loving, admiring family, in full realization that Doug Hardie will be a tough act to follow.

Doug’s celebration of life will be limited to a small, private family and friends gathering. In lieu of flowers, the family asks that you consider a donation to the Brain Aneurysm Foundation which focuses on early detection of brain aneurysms.


  1. Russell Wyatt on July 8, 2020 at 3:12 pm

    God bless Doug, enjoyed working with you at McDonnell Douglas. Rest In Peace.

  2. Gene and Judy Kelch on July 8, 2020 at 3:31 pm

    Sorry for your great loss. Sounds like he had a wonderful family and a very fulfilled life! Prayers for your families comfort and peace. I, (Judy) knew Doug from the technical illustration department at Mc/Boeing. He was a very quite gentle man and was a pleasure to know.

  3. Arlene on April 26, 2021 at 12:04 pm

    Every now and then some random piece of life brings up memories of time spent with the Hardie family. It is always a welcome memory of good times, albeit often bittersweet.
    Because we were so close it may seem a little odd that I still refer to them as Mr and Mrs Hardie, but I don’t call any of the elders in my own family by their first name so calling them Doug and Chieko is also not natural to me.
    Mr. Hardie still feels like a quiet pillar of strength. There is an odd sense of conflict between the man who quietly served as a most reliable father and husband and the childlike innocent he often was in his bluntness.
    Sorry for the rambling – it is hard to let go. We miss him, we miss them both.

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