E. Kay Riesch
E. Kay Riesch, 85, of Belleville, Illinois passed away September 20, 2018 at her residence.
She was born November 3, 1932, the daughter of the late John and Jetta Teter (Price).
She graduated from Southern Illinois University Carbondale with a bachelor’s degree in journalism and a master’s degree in sociology.
Kay was an avid reader, bargain shopper, trivia enthusiast, gardener, sewer, house flipper (before it was a thing), yard saler, gift shop & head shop owner, student, and rabble- rouser.
She is preceded in death by her husband, Jess Johnson and her daughter, J. Kristen Targonski. Surviving are her sons Jay Johnson, of Belleville and Jon (Katie) Riesch of Carbondale. Two granddaughters Kara and Alicia Targonski(Kris) of Belleville, a Grandson, Coleman (Jon) and three great-grandchildren Elliot, William (Kara) and Georgina (Alicia).
Kay will be missed by all for her love, fiercely independent nature, intelligence and humor.
She will be cremated and her ashes spread at a date still to be determined.
Miss you Ma!!
Here’s to Aunt Kay who was the embodiment of grace and confidence, not afraid to be an independent woman before that was a “thing”. I always appreciated her opening her home to me while I was in school and making me feel welcome when I visited.
She will be fondly remembered!
Jon, recibe nuestras mas sinceras condolencia un abrazo desde Nicaragua recordandote mucho, los Exprua