Elizabeth Cange
Elizabeth Ellen (Gray) Cange took the world by storm on March 4,1952. She grew up on Highland Avenue in Oak Park, and eventually landed in St. Louis, MO by way of Carbondale, and Bloomington, IL. She married her college love, John Trombley Cange, and had two children, Scott and Lorri Cange. Liz approached every person she met with acceptance and love (unless you happened to be the unfortunate soul that cut her off in the Starbucks drive-thru).
If you wanted a straight answer, ask Liz. She would calmly say what everyone in the room wanted to say, but didn’t. If you wanted to get your butt kicked, mess with one of Liz’s siblings. If you wanted to get a seemingly impossible job done efficiently, hire Liz. Despite the gravest effort, words cannot emulate Liz’s impact on those around her.
Liz enjoyed life to the fullest. She blazed a trail for her children and grandchildren that was second to none. She did a bunch, loved a bunch, traveled a bunch, taught others a bunch, and accomplished a bunch. Liz was straight to the point. Beating around the bush was a waste of time and energy. Hence, (and in part to honor the “to do” lists she offered to visitors), we present you with a “Life of Liz Checklist”:
☑Always maintain a generous Heart. Give randomly.
☑Remain a true Cubs fan (but secretly like the Cardinals a little bit too).
☑Love pets to no end. Ginger, Poco, Wimpy, Tootsie, Chester, Maggie, Louie.
☑Work at “31 Flavors,” Southwestern Bell, and Boeing. Enjoy a fulfilling and successful career in Lean Management, and save Boeing millions of dollars.
☑Give speeches and teach classes across the country around the world (during Boeing career).
☑Travel to every U.S. state except Alaska. Travel abroad: England, Finland, Estonia, Czech Republic, Israel, Scotland, Whales, Australia, Argentina, Poland, Holland, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Sweden, Spain, Italy, Haiti, Dominican Republic, Aruba, and a bunch of other fun islands.
☑Take Sunday morning Katy Trail Rides to Augusta with Scott & Lorri.
☑Master the art of stained glass. Make this a hobby to bring family & friends close.
☑Require exactly 1.5 packets of Sweet’ N Low in coffee.
☑Hitchhike across the U.S. of A.
☑Love diet coke. (Diet Pepsi stinks.)
☑Skip the bra.
☑Patent various inventions.
☑Maintain an open door policy at all times. Make all feel welcome no matter their age, race, religion, politics, looks, or anything else of earthly matter.
☑Become Senior Tech Fellow at Boeing.
☑Show all to be positive & look at the bright side. Spirit of fight, undeniable sense of humor. Be amazing, inspiring, confident, direct, caring, hilarious, witty, smart, honest, loving.
☑Dress pants not allowed after retirement. PJ pants only no matter the occasion or dress code.
☑Love biscotti.
☑Be a loyal daughter, sister, wife, mother, aunt, friend & nana.
☑Mentor with a calming, conscious, positive, genuine, and loving tone.
☑Achieve last place in the Memphis 5k., and walk the finish with hands held high above head.
☑Be a lover of Ellen Degeneres, Lifetime Movies, murder mysteries & game shows. Support Wheel of Fortune, The Price is Right & Let’s Make a Deal.
☑Do crafts & projects regularly with grandchildren.
☑Attain world Record for, “Loudest burping mom.”
☑Achieve Superstar Patient Status at Siteman. Shirt with name and birthdate. Yellow construction cap with multi-colored lettering. Cancer fighter.
☑Catch phrases:
☑“It’s not about the problem, it’s about the opportunity.
☑“Life isn’t fair.”
☑A “zip” of water.
☑“Chick a Flik” anyone?
According to Liz, the reason Boeing had its first annual revenue loss since 1997, is because she retired. Long live Liz. Long live love. Long live Liz’s ever-loving, ever-accepting persona. Your spirit will live on forever. Rest well, and give Dad/Grandaddy a HUGE hug for us. We know you are smiling hand in hand once again. Your positive and loving spirit will truly be missed.
Siblings: Barbara Zigterman (Bill), James Gray (Yan Lee), Denise Athey (Bob), David Gray (Brenda), John Gray, Robert Gray
Children: Lorri Cange (Sara Pilcher) & Scott Cange (Mary Jo)
Grandchildren: Josie Pilcher-Cange, Maddie Pilcher-Cange, Ciara Cange, Keenan Cange
A celebration of life is planned for March 7th. More info to come.
Love you Mom!!! Miss you so much, but am happy you are breathing free now.
What a wonderful obituary. I feel Like after reading it I knew her, along w Lorrie’s posts over the past few years. Thinking and praying for your family. But how sweet and evident she left her impact on many and was a very special lady!
Liz- you were an amazing woman. You always opened your door to Christina and me and always kept us on our toes when we were there. We will miss you tremendously! May you and John live in eternity together! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Love knows no boundaries, especially with Liz. Miss and love you Nana ❤️
Love love love this. I so miss having an end of the night beer in her kitchen!! She raised some pretty great kids too!! Hugs to Lorri and Scott! ❤️ Carkin
Thank you for the tribute to Liz.. she was a person who lived and loved and shared to the fullest.. and will be with you in so many ways …cheryl and Bruce
Love you Liz and I hate that this earth has to be void of your physical presence, but you will never leave our hearts. I am so happy that you are joining Johnboy and cannot wait until the day that I can give you a hug again.
Beautiful tribute to your mom Lorri & Scott. Hugs and well wishes to you and your families.
Miss you already Liz. Thanks for lending me an ear and giving me great life advice during both good and bad times in my life. You’re one of the strongest women I’ve ever known and I’ll always think of your resilience when life gets tough and I start to look inward instead of outward. Love you very much ❤️
Miss you my dear Neighbor ????
Miss you more than you will ever know.
Love your with Johnny.
We got this, and MJ knocked your obituary out of the park.
You would love it, it’s you.
Till we meet again????
Liz called me “Princess”, because she was “Godess” … the best lean practitioner, mentor and friend. I am the engineer professional and leader today, because of you. My first out of state and international opportunities were offered by you. You believed in me even at times when I didn’t believe in myself. Your straight fwd feedback made me stronger. I am foerever thankful for having you as a role model. I will cherish the great memories of all the moments were shared together. Rest in piece my dear friend. Forever in my hear.
Adriana Ocampo
Gracias Liz por todo lo grande que fuíste como persona y como profesional y por todas las enseñanzas que le impartirse a mi hija Adry. Amé los happy hours contigo en San Luis. Gracias por todo . Descansa en Paz.
Olga Senior de Ocampo.
This is such a beautifully written tribute to Liz and perfectly reflects the legacy that she leaves. Prayers for peace and Love to you all!
This is a beautiful tribute to an amazing person! Strong, caring, thoughtful, intelligent, inviting, fun, the list goes on about Liz. It was a pleasure to know Liz and her wonderful family. Love always!
Our deepest sympathy to Liz’s family.
I am blessed to have had the opportunities to spend time with you on this earth Mrs. Cange. I know you would say, “Call me Liz!” as you always did whenever I referred to you as Mrs. Cange, but as I always said “It’s a show of respect from me”.
You were truly one of a kind. The part about, “She would calmly say what everyone in the room wanted to say, but didn’t” is sooo spot on and people loved you and respected you for it!
While you will be greatly missed here on earth, paradise with Mr. Cange is at hand and in good time you will be joined by all of your loved ones to embrace again.????
Such an amazing woman with an amazing spirit. She was a joy to know and work with. You will be missed Liz. Love to your beautiful family.
Our hearts go out to you Scott and Mary Jo and all of the family. Looks like she had a fantastic life and taught others to do the same. Maybe thru her she can straighten out the rest of this world! Love you guys.
We did’t meet Liz in person but heard a lot about her through Lorri’s Facebook posts. Such a wonderful tribute. Live on with her positive attitude in your lives, Scott and Lorri. ????
Dear Cousin Liz, you were larger than life and we will forever remember your laughter, smile, positive attitude and sense of humor. We will always love you and miss you dearly. We are covering your family in prayer.
Lizzie was one in a million the life of the party, a role model for all of us. So happy to reconnect after 45 plus years. She had lots to say with a positive attitude we all could learn from. Lizzie will be in our hearts forever.